PADDOCK ROYALE (12-4.8-15 + Mg + S + Micronutrients) is a prilled compound fertiliser for horse and pony paddocks with balanced nutrients essential for optimum paddock grass growth.

Being a compound fertiliser, the separate nutrients are mixed together into homogeneous prills, all containing the identical balance of nutrients required for paddock grass growth. As all the fertiliser prills have the same shape and content, the product cannot separate out whilst spreading, allowing a uniform distribution of fertiliser.

Many horse owners are concerned about having over rich grass for fear of colic, laminitis or just grass fat ponies and high yields of grass are not required. Containing only 12% nitrogen PADDOCK ROYALE gives steady growth avoiding lush grass whilst still applying the other main nutrients - phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and magnesium which are essential for balanced growth.

Magnesium is important for strong healthy bone growth in animals in association with calcium and phosphate metabolism. Sulphur and zinc are also important for the health of skin and hooves.

PADDOCK ROYALE is simple and accurate to apply and is supplied in convenient 25kg bags.

Grass (grazing)

Grass for grazing: 4 x 25kg bags per acre in mid/late March, allow 10 days before grazing. Repeat applications in summer if required. Avoid application during hot dry conditions

Grass (Silage / Hay)

Grass for hay: 8 x 25kg bags per acres

Grass (grazing)

Grass for grazing: 4 x 25kg bags per acre in mid/late March, allow 10 days before grazing. Repeat applications in summer if required. Avoid application during hot dry conditions

Grass (Silage / Hay)

Grass for hay: 8 x 25kg bags per acres

Where can I buy Yara fertilisers in Ireland?

Where can I buy Yara fertilisers in Ireland?

Yara supply our branded fertilisers and crop nutrition products to the Irish market through a network of local merchants and co-ops  Use our interactive map to locate your nearest suppliers.

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Fertiliser spreading advice

Fertiliser spreading advice

Increasing your crop yield and quality doesn’t have to be hard. Getting your spreader settings right might be your best spent few minutes in crop management.

See more fertiliser spreading advice