How effectively can you apply low nitrogen (N) rates on PRG/white clover swards on intensive rotationally grazed platforms using high N fertiliser products like urea and at the same time apply the phosphate (P), potash (K) and sulphur (S) that these swards require? Clover requires very good soil P & K fertility because it hasn’t got the rooting mass of PRG, so is more at risk of transient nutrient deficiencies.
‘Clover is a shallow rooted species with around 15% of the root density of perennial ryegrass making it much less competitive for soil nutrients. Regular applications of a P & K compound fertiliser throughout the growing season are necessary for high levels of clover productivity and biological N fixation.’ - Dr. James Humphrey’s, Teagasc, Solohead Farm
By applying P, K & S little and often during the growing period you are providing clover with the P, K and S it needs to establish and reach a desirable sward content, fix atmospheric N, and remain persistent in the sward. YaraMila ExtraGrass is an ideal solution to low N application rates on these swards, ensuring maximum nutrient coverage of N, P, K & S throughout the season.
YaraMila ExtraGrass is a homogeneous, uniform-sized, compound fertiliser where all the nutrients are contained in every particle. This eliminates any segregation and allows even application and distribution of each nutrient across the whole bout width. The product contains nitrate N for that quick and reliable N response even in drier conditions.
Applying fertilisers containing nitrogen and sulphur means the grass uses nitrogen more effectively, you get more kgs of dry matter per kg of nitrogen that you apply
The focus of autumn grazing management is to increase the number of days at grass and animal performance, but also to set the farm up during the final rotation to grow grass over winter and provide grass the following spring.
Because grass remains leafy now, rotation length can be extended from the 2nd week in August. The focus of this period is to gradually build pre-grazing covers, targeting covers of 2,000kg to 2,200kg DM/ha in mid-September. Be careful not allow covers build beyond 2,500kg DM/ha for grazing, as utilisation is poorer. We want to avoid taking paddocks out for silage after the start of September, as these paddocks won’t have enough time to re-grow to make a significant contribution to the last rotation.
If Autumn nitrogen is going to be spread, it should be spread in August and September. The growth response to October applications is likely to be significantly lower and may not be economical. Our Calcium Ammonium Nitrate based fertiliser YaraBela AXAN with sulphur at 110kg/ha is an appropriate rate for applications during August and into the first half of September. If P & K needs topping up then a quality NPKS such as YaraMila EXTRA GRASS at 110 kg/ha should be used.
Drier or ‘earlier’ paddocks should be grazed from mid-September and then closed off from October onwards. Regrowth on these parts can be carried over the winter months for grazing first in the spring.
The importance of aftermath grass will vary on farms, with a whole range of factors affecting how much grazed grass will be required after the last silage cut is taken. There are two considerations to address when fertilising these aftermaths. Ensuring that the phosphate (P) and potash (K) requirements of the previous silage crops have been met and supplying enough nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) to grow enough aftermath grass to meet livestock demand.
Unless soil P & K fertility is maintained at current levels on silage fields then it is likely that next year’s silage yields will suffer. On most farms, the N rate remains constant for silage crops from year-to-year, but with deteriorating soil P & K fertility you end up with less grass for every kg of N applied. Calculate what the offtakes and inputs are to see if P & K needs topping up. Use a suitable quality true uniform compound fertiliser, such as YaraMila NK Sulphur, YaraMila Silage Booster or YaraMila ExtraGrass.
The N requirement of aftermaths will depend on grass demand. Where there is high demand, then apply up to 35 kg/ha of N per application in August and September. If P & K are not needed, then use YaraBela Nutri Booster at 140 kg/ha and if they are needed use one of the YaraMila compounds mentioned in the previous paragraph at a N rate of up to 35 kg/ha. It’s important to apply this fertiliser on as soon as possible, to get grass off to a good start.
Grass mineral analysis can be a useful tool to check nutrient levels, both macro and micro-nutrients levels in grass swards. Silage samples are regularly tested for minerals, but it’s usually with a focus on animal nutrition rather than crop nutrition. So, there is certainly more scope on both grass for grazing and silage to utilise mineral analysis to improve yields and nutrient use efficiency.
A farmer two years ago asked me to have a look at their 1st cut silage mineral analysis report which highlighted a couple of potential problems. Because it was a composite sample from a number of different fields, it warranted a closer look the following spring, so three silage fields were sampled in May, 10 days before harvest.
The three fields had received the same nutrients, a combination of slurry and YaraMila EXTRAGRASS (27-5-5+6%SO3) in the spring. Nitrogen, phosphate, potash, sulphur, calcium and magnesium were within the optimum range for two of the fields, while the report on the third field indicated that phosphate, potash, calcium and magnesium were low or very low.
These three fields had the same history of manure applications, and the most recent soil analysis indicated good levels of soil phosphate and potash. The difference was that the field which had the low grass nutrient levels also had a low soil pH (5.4). This makes sense, as soil pH affects nutrient availability. This again highlights the benefit of analysis and in particular acting on soil test results and correcting low soil pH.
If we’re spraying to control grassland weeds in the weeks ahead, spray selection and spraying weeds at the right growth stage are key points for effective weed control. We are also seeing advantages of applying a multi nutrient foliar fertiliser with the herbicide to improve outcomes.
The foliar fertiliser stimulates the growth of both the target (weeds) and non-target species (grass). An actively growing weed will translocate the herbicide around the plant and down into its roots more effectively, than a less active growing weed. It’s important to get the herbicide down into the roots to completely control grassland weeds such as docks and thistles.
Grass herbicides can often ‘check’ grass growth after spraying and especially when growing conditions are not ideal. The application of a foliar fertiliser in combination with the herbicide helps offset this ‘check’ on swards. Also, in newly established leys, foliar nutrition can give grass seedlings a much needed nutrition boost, which promotes tillering, helping to reduce light and space for any new germinating weeds.
We recommend YaraVita Croplift Pro at a rate of 5 kg/ha (2 kg/acre) for inclusion in a tank mix with your chosen grass herbicide. This foliar fertiliser containing multiple nutrients and micronutrients for foliar application on grassland is ideal at times of stress or periods of rapid growth. It has excellent plant absorption properties, giving an immediate and long-lasting feeding effect on grass and herbal leys.
Yara’s maize trials, have demonstrated the positive effect that combining foliar nutrition and biostimulants had on crop performance. In last year’s trial the combination of our crop specific product for Maize - YaraVita CROP BOOST (5 L/ha) and the biostimulant - YaraVita Biotrac (2 L/ha) applied at the 5 leaf stage increased dry mater yields by 16%, equal to 2.5 tonnes of dry matter per hectare.
When applied together, YaraVita Biotrac complements the nutritional effects of YaraVita CROP BOOST. The unique combination of selected bioactive components and nutrients in YaraVita Biotrac activates the plant’s metabolic processes to enhance nutrient use efficiency and tolerance to abiotic stress for example due to the application of a herbicide. The two YaraVita products work in harmony to maximise the ability of YaraVita CROP BOOST to promote root and plant growth and efficiently use the plant’s energy reserves.
YaraVita CROP BOOST is formulated for foliar applications on maize, containing a high concentration of phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium. Yara conducts nutrient specific trials to prioritise nutrients according to their impact on crop growth and development. Once these are established then crop-specific products can be formulated to deliver enough quantities of these specific nutrients.
The results of two years of maize trials in both the UK and Ireland have demonstrated an economic justification of using YaraVita CROP BOOST and YaraVita Biotrac together. There is a very strong case to adopt the YaraVita Maize Programme at the 4 – 6 leaf stage to minimise the risk of nutrient deficiencies and abiotic stress in Maize and maximise yields.
Fertiliser applications for first cut silage have been really hampered by the weather since mid-March. This is a very worrying situation as these first cuts constitute a large part of next winters forage.
Remember grass will start heading out at the same time as usual, so allowing a longer first cut growth period might be okay to increase grass silage yield for some but the quality of this silage will be lower. Also, the second cut regrowth will be slower, so while you might gain extra yield on the first cut, you will lose out on first cut quality and second cut yield.
When it comes to early May, check the base of the sward for dead/decaying leaf and stem. What happens at the base of the sward has as great an effect on feed value as seed head emergence. This dead decaying material might be as a result of water logging or just the wet conditions especially where there were heavier covers of grass on fields and in some cases this grass has lodged whereas in other years it mightn’t have. If there is dead material at the base, then consider cutting sooner rather than later.
There are a couple of first cut scenarios being faced by farmers presently:
1. Fertiliser and slurry have been applied, but the grass looks backward and isn’t a lush green colour.
Grass growth has been affected by wet soil conditions and overcast weather. Nitrogen losses to leaching will have been greater due to the above average rainfall this spring, but putting a figure on this is very difficult. Should more nitrogen be applied in this case? It will depend on when the slurry and fertiliser was applied. If slurry applications were applied in Jan/Feb and fertiliser was applied before the 20th of March, then an application now of a bag/acre of YaraBela Nutri Booster (25 units N/acre) is justified if the anticipated mowing date is circa 20th of May.
2. Slurry has been applied but not the nitrogen fertiliser.
If applying nitrogen or an NPK fertiliser, apply as soon as possible. Have the fertiliser in the yard ready for spreading. If slurry was applied a minimum of 2 weeks ago, then the silage crop will utilise 2 units/acre of nitrogen per day from the date of fertiliser spreading to the anticipated harvest date. A nitrogen product such as YaraBela Nutri Booster or an NPK such as YaraMila SulphurCut would be ideal in this situation.
3. Nothing applied to date.
Be very careful applying slurry on first cuts at this late stage. Only apply if there are light grass covers (<750 kg DM/ha) and the slurry is dilute and is being applied by trailing shoe or dribble bar. Otherwise, delay slurry applications until after harvest because of the risk that residues from the slurry will persist on the grass up to harvest or that these residues are picked up off the soil surface at mowing/raking/picking up.
As for the nitrogen rate, calculate the number of days from when the nitrogen fertiliser is applied to the anticipated harvest date and then use the 2 units/acre of nitrogen per day rule. If slurry is being applied, account for the available nitrogen in the slurry when calculating how much nitrogen fertiliser is required. If slurry is not being applied, and soil P & K indices are index 3 or less then use an NPK fertiliser such as YaraMila Sulphur Cut.
Another option that some farmers might be considering for this scenario might be to cut in the next two to three weeks if field conditions allow and then focus on the second cut. If this is the strategy you choose, then only if good ground conditions exist at harvest to minimise soil contamination. This late April/early May mown grass is more likely to have lower sugar levels, so this would need to be considered at mowing. Achieving a good wilt and using a silage inoculant could help counteract sub-optimum sugar levels.
The importance of aftermath grass will vary on farms, with a whole range of factors affecting how much grazed grass will be required after the last silage cut is taken. There are two considerations to address when fertilising these aftermaths. Ensuring that the phosphate (P) and potash (K) requirements of the previous silage crops have been met and supplying enough nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) to grow enough aftermath grass to meet livestock demand.
Unless soil P & K fertility is maintained at current levels on silage fields then it is likely that next year’s silage yields will suffer. On most farms, the N rate remains constant for silage crops from year-to-year, but with deteriorating soil P & K fertility you end up with less grass for every kg of N applied. Calculate what the offtakes and inputs are to see if P & K needs topping up. Use a suitable quality true uniform compound fertiliser, such as YaraMila NK Sulphur (YaraMila Zero P cut), YaraMila Silage Booster or YaraMila ExtraGrass.
The N requirement of aftermaths will depend on grass demand. Where there is high demand, then apply up to 35 kg/ha of N per application in August and September. If P & K are not needed, then use YaraBela Nutri Booster at 140 kg/ha and if they are needed use one of the YaraMila compounds mentioned in the previous paragraph at a N rate of up to 35 kg/ha. It’s important to apply this fertiliser on as soon as possible, to get grass off to a good start.
A new reseed can often be the most challenging crop to establish on grassland farms. The main benefits of new swards are improved dry matter (DM) yield, and improved nutrient use efficiency. Reseeding in the Autumn has always been more popular with farmers, but it’s important not to leave them too late to establish as it can make managing them for weeds and grazing more difficult. Here are our 4 key steps to success.
Step 1: Identify poorly performing paddocks.
Step 2: assess their content of desirable grasses. If this is less than 60% consider re-seeding. Annual meadow grass and other weed grasses produce lower yields, poorer feed quality and do not respond well to applied nutrients. Yield will be reduced by 1% for every 1% of area covered in weeds.
Before you start, be sure to complete Step 3: take a soil test and act on the results. On mineral soils the optimum pH for grass is 6.3. Failing to correct pH will severely impact the success of your reseed. Choose only varieties from the Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL) and pick those that suit your farm.
Step 4: Provide new swards with the correct nutrients at sowing. Failure to do so will hinder establishment. Slurry can be used to provide part or all the nutrient requirements. With good soil fertility (P & K index is 2), then the P2O5 & K2O requirement is 50kg/ha for both. If clover or other legumes are not part of the mixture, then an application of 20-30kg/ha of N can be applied to aid establishment. New leys have a greater requirement for phosphate to help with root development. Good seed soil contact is essential, so roll after sowing.
My Top Tips: Weeks 4-6 (post-emergence) apply herbicide to prevent weeds competing for nutrients and space. Combine this with a light grazing when grass height is at 8 – 10 cm to promote new shoots, and thus the long-term productivity of your new sward.
Grazing conditions have certainly been a challenge this season, and unlike this time last year, we’re looking for the rain to stop. Thankfully, for beef and sheep farmers the outlook looks more promising this year with livestock values up on last year, and a return of nearer to normal fertiliser prices. There is a worry though that the significant drop seen in phosphorus and potash fertiliser applications last year, disproportionately affects beef and sheep farms, which does not bode well for forage production on these farms if not rectified.
From a nitrogen (N) perspective, it’s important to note that for farmers who did cut N fertiliser applications last year, doing so again this year will hit grass growth even harder this year as soil N supply is run down from 2022. Where phosphorus (P) & potash (K) offtakes from grazing and silage were not met from fertiliser or manures last year, then soil P & K fertility will have declined. With lower P & K fertility comes a lower N response!
Applying a quality NPKS fertiliser like YaraMila ExtraGrass (27-2.2-4.2+2.4%S) at a rate of 125 kg/ha in May and again in June will increase grass supply at a critical time now on beef and sheep farms and ensure lactating livestock reach and sustain peak milk production to grow lambs and calves quickly. For growing beef cattle, compensatory growth is still strong during May, but cattle need a supply of grass to take advantage of this phenomenon. With silage fields closed up, the grazing area is at its highest stocking rate so enough grass must be grown during this key period on beef and sheep farms.
P is a key nutrient for grass. Its role in energy supply, root growth and tillering makes its availability crucial for grass growth. The plants requirement for P is small in volume when compared to N BUT its availability is essential. For grazing, P applications into May and June are important to maintain grass growth, herbage P concentration for growing livestock, and importantly to maintain and build soil P fertility. We should be looking to apply 10 kg/ha of P per annum to maintain soil P fertility, which can be met in part or full from applying YaraMila ExtraGrass.
Typically, the phosphate in fertiliser is 100% water soluble; this however creates its own problems. As soon as you apply water soluble phosphorus to a soil, this soluble phosphorus becomes slowly fixed by iron and aluminium. The phosphate contained in YaraMila ExtraGrass is a mix of water soluble phosphate and Di-Calcium Phosphate (DCP). This DCP is not fixed by the soil but becomes available as it is triggered by weak acids from grass root exudates. This ideal combination of two phosphate fractions rather than one results in superior availability of P for grass.
The latest Teagasc National Soil Fertility Trends for 2021 show over 50% of drystock farms have soil test results that are below the optimum K index, so it’s important K soil fertility is not neglected. Even though K offtakes are low for grazing, it’s a key nutrient to optimise N response.
ExtraGrass is a quality uniform compound which can be spread uniformly, with a maximum of landing sites for each nutrient. Beware blended fertilisers will have only one tenth the number of P & K landing sites that ExtraGrass will have. You also have the assurance with a Yara product that the analysis printed on the bag is the analysis in the bag.
Fodder beet crops needs adequate crop nutrition if they are to meet their energy and protein yield potential. It is only a cost effective crop to grow if it yields well. We should expect a well manged crop to hit dry matter yields in excess of 20 tonne/ha.
Growing fodder beet has been traditionally for feeding to housed livestock but its use for grazing in-situ over the winter has grown in popularity over the last number of years. For these grazed crops it’s about the proportion of root to leaf (or energy to protein) to meet the nutritional requirements of grazing livestock.
A high yielding crop of fodder beet can have nutrient uptakes of 250 kg, 90 kg, and 580 kg of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potash (K) per ha respectively over the course of the growing season, so for these high yields to be achieved, the nutritional requirements of the crop need consideration. Using soil test results to determine the crops nutrient requirements from RB209, is a start.
The P & K requirements can be met in-part or in-full from organic manures with any deficit being made with P & K fertiliser. Part of the K requirement of beet crops can be replaced by salt and there is always a benefit in applying agricultural salt in combination with K particularly on low K index soils. Salt and K containing fertilisers should be applied at least two weeks in advance of drilling to mitigate any effect that the high chloride levels in these fertilisers might damage beet seedlings.
If applying organic manures, they need to be incorporated well in advance and incorporated into the seedbed. Usually all the P & K requirements are applied to the seedbed before planting. We are aiming to supply 150 kg/ha of YaraBela AXAN (40 kg/ha of N) into the seedbed, with a second application of 370 kg/ha of AXAN (100 kg/ha of N) when the crop is established.
Because beet is particularly susceptible to boron and manganese deficiency, we recommend a foliar application of YaraVita Brassitrel at 3 L/ha at the 4 – 6 leaf stage to meet the crops requirement for these necessary micronutrients. A second application 14 days later may be necessary where there is a known soil boron and manganese deficiency. Brassitrel Pro also provides N, molybdenum, magnesium and calcium to meet any shortfall during this critical phase of canopy development. Reaching canopy closure as soon as possible maximises light interception and maximises yield potential.
N is key in establishing the leaf canopy early to capture as much light as possible over the summer months, but also important later on in the growing cycle of the crop to promote and maintain leaf canopy later into the autumn and winter to increase both root and leaf protein content. New Zealand research has demonstrated that in Autumn beet crops can be accumulating up to 250 kg/ha of dry matter per day. So there is still a very high demand for both N and K during the autumn period. Traditionally two N applications are applied on fodder beet, in the seedbed and at establishment but we are also recommending a slow release foliar N application of YaraVita Safe-N 300 at 25 L/ha in August to promote top and root growth during this Autumn period.
For more information on growing fodder beet and other forage brassica crops contact your local Yara representative for advice.
With a move to more frequent silage cuts on dairy farms, the first two weeks in May are a busy time. With this in mind, it is worth reviewing your 2nd cut fertiliser application plan and to ensure that you have the right type and quantity of fertiliser in the yard ready for application within the first week post harvesting.
If you are planning to reduce fertiliser inputs on second cut crops, it’s important to note that any savings in fertiliser may be offset by having to source more expensive feedstuffs to address potential reductions in grass dry matter (DM) yield.
Nitrogen (N) drives grass growth and yield, and for this reason getting the N rate right is important. We thread a fine line with N applications, too much produces grass with lower sugar and higher ammonia and butyric acid levels, which can make silage less palatable. Too little N compromises yield and protein levels can be lower.
For swards with good yield potential then we would advise 90 – 100 kg/ha of total N for 2nd cuts. In multi-cut systems, this rate may need to be adjusted down where the cutting interval is less than 6 weeks. Calculate the rate by multiplying the rate of N uptake (assume 2.5 kg/ha per day) by the number of days between 1st cut harvest date and the expected 2nd cut harvest date.
Each kg of N applied should return 20-25 kg of grass dry matter (DM). If N is costing £1.30 per kg then each kg of DM is costing 5 - 6 pence to grow. In comparison, cake at £400 tonne costs 47 pence per kg DM.
Using the Fertiliser Manual (RB 209) the available N per 11 m3/ha (1,000 gallons/acre) of 6% DM cattle slurry applied during the summer months is 7 kg/ha (6 units/acre) by splash plate and 9 kg/ha (7 units/acre) band spread. Please refer to the examples below to calculate the mineral N requirement with slurry applications.
Applying 20 – 30 kg/ha of sulphur in your 2nd cut fertiliser is very worthwhile. This optimises N use efficiency, resulting in higher yields and in many instances improves silage quality. Anything that improves N use efficiency will lower soil nitrate leaching.
Phosphate (P) and potash (K) recommendations should be based on recent soil test results.
Fields regularly cut for silage have a higher requirement for P and K due to the high removal of these nutrients by the crop. A tonne of grass cut for silage will contain 1.9 kg of P and 8.3 kg of K. The addition of K is particularly important to maintain grass yields, and slurry applications should be prioritised on the silage area to replenish the K removed in the previous year’s silage crops. Table 1 outlines the P and K recommendations for 2nd cut silage.
Table 1: P and K recommendations for 2nd cut silage (RB 209)
Soil Index P or K |
0 |
1 |
2- |
3 |
4 |
Phosphate kg/ha |
25 |
25 |
25 |
0 |
0 |
Potash kg/ha |
120 |
100 |
90 (2-) 60 (2+) |
40 |
0 |
How much P and K will slurry provide? If we haven’t had a sample tested in a lab, then we have to use the RB 209 book value for 6 % DM cattle slurry. This gives us the following P and K values for each 11 m3/ha (1,000 gallons/acre) applied.
Where the soil index is 2-/+ or greater for P and K:
Where the soil index is 0 or 1 for P and K:
Example 1: 2nd cut fertiliser recommendation with a soil P index of 2 and the K index is 2-
N |
P |
K |
Crop requirement kg/ha (units/acre) |
100 (80) |
25 (20) |
90 (72) |
22 m3/ha of cattle slurry provides kg/ha |
14 |
26 |
54 |
Fertiliser required kg/ha (units/acre) |
86 (69) |
0 |
36 (29) |
Recommendation: 360 kg/ha (3 cwt./acre) of YaraMila NK Sulphur |
Example 2: 2nd cut fertiliser recommendation where the soil P and K index is 1
N |
P |
K |
Crop requirement kg/ha (units/acre) |
100 (80) |
25 (20) |
90 (72) |
22 m3/ha of cattle slurry provides kg/ha |
14 |
14 |
50 |
Fertiliser required kg/ha (units/acre) |
86 (69) |
11 (9) |
40 (32) |
Recommendation: 430 kg/ha (3.5 cwt./acre) of YaraMila Silage Booster |
For example 1, we would recommend 360 kg/ha of YaraMila NK SULPHUR to complement the slurry application and for example 2, the recommendation would be 430 kg/ha of YaraMila Silage Booster. Finally, slurry should be applied as soon after the 1st cut as possible, and then apply the fertiliser a week later. If slurry isn’t been used, then spread the fertiliser as soon as possible. Delays reduce 2nd cut yields.
The timing and rate of the first nitrogen (N) application in the spring always sparks debate. Nonetheless, many farmers with dwindling forage stocks will be looking forward to putting stock out to grass this spring as soon as they can. But what can we do to increase the availability of grass this spring on grass farms.
The same principles apply whether its grass for grazing or silage. We know that applying a N source (as slurry or fertiliser) when soil conditions and temperatures are at 5-6oC and rising and with a favourable weather forecast will increase the supply of grass over the subsequent 6 weeks compared to holding off until later in the spring when growing conditions are more favourable.
N has the effect of stimulating growth earlier than it would otherwise be. The response to this early N will be greatest for more productive ryegrass swards. The exact timing of this initial application will vary across the UK, for the south of England and Wales it is probably early February but for Scotland it may well be a month later.
For silage, tack grazing should have finished in December, as over grazing and grazing into the new year is going to slow grass growth and is shown to reduce 1st cut silage yields. Slurry is a valuable source of nutrients for 1st cut silage and often tanks have to emptied in January, but if applications can be delayed till the soil conditions outlined in the second paragraph exist then slurry N utilisation will increase.
As a guide, if slurry is applied in January then any nitrogen, phosphate, potash or sulphur fertiliser that is required should be applied by the end of February/early March. For later slurry applications, then the fertiliser should be applied no later than 6 weeks from the planned cutting date. These 1st cut silage crops need a sulphur containing fertiliser as there is not enough sulphur in slurry alone.
For grazing, we would recommend applying 80 kg/ha of Nutri Booster when the soil reaches the conditions outlined in the second paragraph and then a second application of 160 kg/ha of Nutri Booster 4-5 weeks later when growing conditions are hopefully improving. In terms of herbage growth, N response and N use efficiency, a recent study by Teagasc, Moorepark demonstrated that the most effective strategy for early spring N applications was to apply total of 60 kg/ha of N by early April, split 20/40 for the first and second application.
Last but not least, don’t leave it till the last minute to buy fertiliser as delivery might not be as prompt as you might like. Not having the fertiliser could cost you more if you’re later applying it. You end up with less grass, making costly fertiliser even more expensive.
A recent study at Teagasc Moorepack investigated the impact of applying 3 rates of spring nitrogen (N) fertiliser (30,60 or 90 kg N/ha) by April 1st, on two N application dates, 3rd Febraury and 19th March, with three different rate strategies (split between Febraury and March); 0:100, 50:50 and 33:66. The highest spring herbage production was reported on the 90 kg N/ha, followed by the 60 kg and 30 kg the lowest (3,026, 2,753 and 2,308 kg DM/ha, respectively). Higher N rates lead to a reduction in N recovery and a lower response to N application.
The 90 kg N treatment had the lowest N response per kg N applied, followed by the 60 kg N with the 30 kg N the highest (15.7, 18.2 and 21.0 kg DM/kg N). These are all greater than previously reported response figures of 10-13 kg DM/kg N, and greater than the required economic breakeven point.
The impact of application strategy, across all of the rates of N applied, when zero N was applied in February and all was applied in March (0:100), resulted in a lower spring herbage production of 200 kg DM/ha, compared to either of the 33:66 or 50:50 strategies. The 33:66 strategy (27.3 kg DM/kg N) had the greatest N response compared to the 0:100 or 50:50 (14.3 and 21.1 kg DM/kg N, respectively). High levels of N in a single application in spring, will result in too high a level of available N for the plant to utilise, and does not result in increased levels of herbage production.
Yara undertook a farm trial this year to investigate the effectiveness of its’ selenium enriched Booster range, by comparing the blood selenium levels of two groups of in-calf dairy heifers - one group having grazed an area that had been fertilized with the selenium fortified YaraMila STOCK BOOSTER S (25-5-5+5%SO3+Na+Se), while the second group had grazed an area fertilised with YaraMila EXTRAGRASS (27-5-5+6%SO3).
The hypothesis is that by enriching the grass with selenium, you therefore increase dietary selenium which will support healthier levels of the nutrient in the animal’s blood. This form of selenium is much more available to the animal, compared to inorganic selenium sources found in concentrates, licks and boluses which are less available to the animal.
The heifers rotationally grazed their respective areas for 3 months (from May until August) and the relevant fertilizer was applied three times during that period. At the end of the trial, blood tests were taken again. The average blood selenium levels in the heifers grazed on the area receiving the selenium fortified fertiliser (Stock Booster S) were 50% higher than the group of heifers grazed on grass fertilised with the standard NPK (EXTRAGRASS).
Herbage analysis also indicated that the group grazing the area where Stock Booster S was applied had double the selenium herbage concentration, compared with the untreated area. The outcome of this trial gives us further confidence, that the Booster range of fertilisers can influence positively the selenium intakes of grazing livestock.
For more of Yara’s trial results from this season please visit Agronomy Advice.
At some stage, over the next couple of months, plan to do some soil testing if you haven’t done so already. Once you have the results, don’t file them in a drawer! Review them and use them to put together a nutrient management plan (NMP) for 2023. Your NMP is about prioritising how to use organic and mineral nutrients on the farm in the most cost effective way possible.
Too often, organic manures are applied on the same parts of the farm, year after year. There are plenty of reasons why this is done, but it’s not maximising the potential value of this valuable resource. Using umbilical spreading systems may be an option to target other areas of the farm. Target cattle slurry at low K index soils as it’s a cost effective potash source.
Intensively stocked grassland farms should consider soil testing more regularly. By soil testing every 2–3 years, you’re in a better position to monitor soil fertility trends. Fertiliser recommendations are not an exact science, hence soil testing more frequently together with measuring grass yields will help you fine tune your NMP for every paddock or field on your farm.
Remember, grass requires a continuous and balanced nutrient supply from the soil to achieve its production potential. If a farmer is regularly soil testing, say every three years, then the £1 ha/year cost is money well spent.
For more information on soil testing this spring, visit Yara analytical services.
Many new leys sown in August may be fit to graze now, but these newly sown swards require specific management practices to get the most from them.
There is a tendency to delay the initial grazing of these new leys, which leads to grass covers building up. Then, when animals graze them, there’s a high degree of sod pulling. This first grazing is important. New leys should be grazed as soon as the new roots are strong enough to withstand grazing. We can check for this by using our fingers to see if the root stays anchored in the ground when the plant is pulled.
Early grazing of these leys is important as it allows light into the base of the ley which will encourage tillering. A light grazing by calves, young stock or sheep is preferable. Bigger animals have more of a tendency to cause sod pull and poaching at this time of year. A first grazing can usually take place when the sward is at 6–8 cm’s in height.
Don’t be tempted to allow grass to build up on these new leys for a late cut of silage. This will inhibit tillering, resulting in more open swards which will be more susceptible to weed germination in the spring. Low winter covers will also benefit clover performance come spring.
If you haven’t soil tested before seeding, then it would be a good idea to do so before the spring. New leys are more productive and utilise nitrogen more efficiently but only if soil fertility is adequate.
New sulphur (S) research from Teagasc in Ireland highlights some interesting findings on S applications on grassland. Using lysimeters and a sandy loam soil they found N + S applications increased grass yields by 30%, compared to N only plots over the course of 7 cuts. Treatments received 250kg N/ha, divided over 7 splits. For the two slurry treatments, there was a 24% yield increase by using a N + S fertiliser with slurry compared to N only fertiliser with slurry.
Apparent Fertiliser Nitrogen Recovery (AFNR) which is a measure of how much of the applied N was taken up by the crop was also increased with sulphur applications. N only plots had a AFNR of 39%, compared to 49% for the N + S treatments. For the slurry treatments the addition of mineral S in the fertiliser increased the AFNR by 13%.
The leachate from the treatments amounted to 68% of total rainfall over the 12 month study. Nitrate leaching loses per ha for the N only plots was 48.2kg NO3-N, whilst the N + S treatment was 26 kg NO3-N which was only 2kg greater than the Zero N control treatment. The nitrate leaching losses for the slurry treatments were very surprising. The N + slurry treatment had losses of 82.8kg NO3-N, in contrast to the N + S + slurry treatment which had losses of 33kg NO3-N.
The study concluded that S fertilisation is potentially important for increasing grass yield, N use efficiency and reducing nitrate leaching losses on certain soils.
The focus of autumn grazing management is to increase the number of days at grass and animal performance, but also to set the farm up during the final rotation to grow grass over winter and provide grass the following spring.
Because grass remains leafy, rotation length can be extended from the 2nd week in August. The focus of this period is to gradually build pre-grazing covers, targeting covers of 3,500kg to 3,700kg DM/ha in mid-September. Be careful to not allow covers build beyond 4,000kg DM/ha for grazing, as utilisation is poorer. We want to avoid taking paddocks out for silage after the start of September, as these paddocks won’t have enough time to re-grow to make a significant contribution to the last rotation.
If Autumn nitrogen is going to be spread, it should be spread in August and September. As you can see from the graph, the growth response to October applications is likely to be significantly lower, and may not be economical. Our Calcium Ammonium Nitrate based fertiliser YaraBela NUTRI BOOSTER, with sulphur and selenium at 120kg/ha, is an appropriate rate for applications during August and into the first half of September.
Drier or ‘earlier’ paddocks should be grazed from mid-September and then closed off from October onwards. Regrowth on these parts can be carried over the winter months for grazing first in the spring.
Are you looking to sow a forage brassica crop in July and August in a bid to keep livestock out grazing for longer, and to therefore reduce your livestock feed and housing costs this winter? These crops can be economically established into stubble and then grazed from late autumn onwards. However, they might not fit into every system and site selection is crucial, especially when grazing them.
The nutrient requirements of either Forage Rape, Stubble Turnips or Rape/Kale hybrid crops are similar. They respond well to nitrogen and sulphur applications and good soil phosphate fertility. On fields with good (index 2) soil phosphate and potash fertility, we recommend 370 – 420 kg/ha (3 - 3½ cwt./acre) of YaraMila 52S or YaraMila SILAGE BOOSTER broadcast onto the seedbed in one application. This will provide all the nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur these crops need to establish and maximise growth over a comparatively short growing period.
Brassica crops also have a requirement for boron, and we recommend at least one foliar application of YaraVita BRASSITREL PRO at a rate of 3 L/ha at the 4 – 6 leaf stage. This is a flowable liquid suspension fertiliser with a balanced combination of micronutrients including boron, manganese, magnesium and molybdenum for foliar application on forage brassicas.
Don’t delay sowing these crops, as research demonstrates that the yield of Forage Rape sown at the end of August is less than 30% of that sown in the first week in August.
For more information search online for “Yara forage brassica”.
If you’re planning to fertilise 3rd cuts, then we should be aiming to apply between 70 – 80 kg/ha of N. If this is not the final cut, then stay at the lower end of this range, and for those taking only 3 cuts - then aim for the higher end of the range, as the growing period is generally longer. Spread slurry as soon as is practical after the 2nd cut harvest, and then a week later follow up with the fertiliser.
From both a yield and silage quality perspective, a sulphur (S) containing fertiliser should be used. At optimum N rates, we see a 10% increase in dry matter yields on average where S is applied, rising to 20% on very responsive lighter soil types. During dry weather, sulphur availability to the grass plant becomes even more important.
Pay particular attention to potash (K) at this stage of the year. A 23 and 15 t/ha crop of 1st and 2nd cut respectively, will remove 310 kg/ha of K2O. A 3rd cut is likely to remove another 75 kg’s, so it’s worth calculating how much K has been applied. If slurry contains 2.5 kg of K2O per cubic metre, that’s 154 cubic metres of slurry needed to replenish the K offtake from 3 cuts.
If slurry can meet the P & K demands of the 3rd cut, then an N + S fertiliser - such as YaraBela Nutri Booster could be used. If not, YaraMila NK Sulphur is an option on 3rd cuts if P is not required.
To check out Yara’s full range of quality compound fertilisers, please visit
When getting the sprayer out to control grassland weeds on grass this summer, it’s worth considering adding a foliar fertiliser to the tank for two reasons:
We recommend YaraVita Croplift Pro at a rate of 5 kg/ha (2 kg/acre) for inclusion in a tank mix with your chosen grass herbicide. This foliar fertiliser, containing multiple nutrients and micronutrients for foliar application on grassland, is ideal at times of stress or periods of rapid growth. It has excellent plant absorption properties, giving an immediate and long-lasting feeding effect on stressed grass crops.
As I watch farmers about to start taking their second cut of the season, I reflect that not so long ago, the three-cut system used to dominate. In recent years we’ve seen farmers shift to a four and even five-cut system. But why have we seen that shift?
Whilst three cut silage systems can yield extraordinarily well and produce good quality silage, they do require higher inclusion rates of concentrate feed to balance milking cow rations. By moving to 4 and 5 cuts per season, silage quality improves because you’re cutting grass with a higher leaf-to-stem ratio. There are some drawbacks, such as higher machinery costs with cutting more frequently and there can be lower overall DM production, but in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Milk from forage figures improve as well as herd production and health as forage makes up a greater proportion of the ration.
A trial conducted in Northern Ireland a few years ago, comparing 3-cut and 4-cut silage systems, found total silage dry matter (DM) yields for the 3 and 4-cut systems were 13.4 t DM/ha and 12.3 t DM/ha respectively. The average DM of the 3-cut system was 31.9% and 34.4% for the 4-cut system. The average metabolizable energy (MJ/kg DM) was 10.7 and 11.3, and average protein (% DM) was 14.3 and 16.4 for the 3 and 4-cut systems respectively.
Cows on the 4-cut system had higher silage intakes (+9.5%), and produced more milk (+6.4%) with higher milk protein (+2.1%) but slightly lower fat content (-2.4%). Silage production costs were calculated as £114 and £135 t/DM for the 3 and 4-cut system respectively. This includes a land charge, reseeding cost and a contractor for harvesting.
Total feed costs of 23 pence/cow/day higher with the 4-cut system, but the value of milk produced was 71 pence/cow/day higher. The margin-over-feed cost was 48 pence/cow/day higher for the 4-cut system. At the time this was calculated for a 100 cow herd over a 180-day winter period, the 4-cut system resulted in a £8,640 increase in margin-over-feed costs.
To give your growing grass just enough fertilizer to flourish, whilst maximising nitrogen use efficiency and saving on input costs, we would recommend that you plan how much nitrogen is required to grow this 3rd cut efficiently. You’ll want to apply 70-80kilos of nitrogen per hectare on third cuts. The lower end of this range for shorter growing periods and upper end of this range with longer growing periods.
But don’t forget to take into account any slurry applications. To calculate how much nitrogen you’re likely to apply through your slurry you can do one of three things: (1) use RB209, (2) use a slurry analysis taken earlier in the year, or for the most precise calculation (3) undertake a new slurry analysis to calculate exactly how much nitrogen is present. Once you know how much you’re able to apply through your slurry, you’ll know how much mineral nitrogen fertiliser you’ll need to top it up with. Remember sulphur is a key nutrient on these crops to optimise nitrogen use efficiency.
Spread your slurry straight after you’ve taken your third cut and then follow that up with your mineral fertiliser six days later.
If you’re worried about your input costs, don’t forget to use AHDB’s new grassland cost-benefit fertiliser calculator to protect your return.
Due to its high yield potential, Maize also has a high demand for nutrients. Therefore these high yields of 40+ tonnes/ha can only be achieved if the crop can access enough nutrients via its roots, and as the plant grows, through foliar applications.
Zinc and magnesium deficiencies are the two most widespread nutritional disorders in maize. Zinc is important for photosynthetic activity and Magnesium is essential for the early establishment of the plant. A deficiency can often be reflected in reduced crop yield at harvest.
Phosphorus and potash are primary nutrients, however, many soils do not have the capacity to deliver an adequate supply. Where phosphate availability is reduced, because of soil pH, or where its uptake is impaired due to dry soil conditions, foliar phosphate will help. It is translocated from the leaf to the roots very effectively, maintaining root development.
One or more of the above is often deficient in the growing maize plant. This nutritional shortage is particularly important as the plant reaches the 4 to 5 leaf stage, as it is now that yield is being set. Maize stressed at this point can result in tall, thin plants, with poor root systems and reduced leaf area – and reduced leaf area captures less light, resulting in lower yields.
To overcome the risk of nutrient deficiency, apply foliar nutrients at the 4 to 5 leaf stage. YaraVita Crop Boost is specifically formulated for foliar applications on maize. It will deliver a high concentration of phosphate, zinc, magnesium and potash to maximise maize yield and quality this harvest.
Where second cuts are being grown to fill clamps for the winter ahead, thought should be given to the nutrient requirements of these crops. Second cuts are capable of very high yields, with 15 – 17 t/ha (6 – 7 t/acre) of grass achievable on swards which have good yield potential.
New swards have excellent yield potential and respond to higher nitrogen (N) rates of up to 100 kg/ha (80 units/acre). Older swards with a high proportion of perennial ryegrass (PRG) can be fertilised to 90 kg/ha (72 units/acre) N and old meadow swards which don’t contain much PRG should receive 70 kg/ha (56 units/acre) N.
With slurry, if none or low volumes are applied, on account of the risk of slurry contaminating second cut grass at harvest, then make sure to use an NPKS fertiliser like YaraMila SILAGE BOOSTER. Don’t forget sulphur on these second cuts. 10 – 12 kg/ha (8-10 units/acre) of S is enough.
A good second cut requires a proactive approach to ensure these crops are optimally fertilised, so in the long run, only using slurry and straight N may not be the most cost-effective option. Just think about the cost of homegrown silage versus purchased feed at current cost levels!
Finally, don’t delay in applying slurry and fertiliser. The slurry should be applied immediately after the first cut is harvested and then apply the fertiliser 5 – 7 days later. If slurry isn’t being applied, then get the fertiliser out ASAP
The latest grassland fertiliser and nutrition advice from the Yara agronomists.
A crop of maize can produce up to 50 t/ha of fresh weight in just 4 months. For this amount of growth over a short timeframe to happen there needs to be a healthy, extensive root system for nutrient uptake from the start.
Phosphate (P) is a very important nutrient, key for growing the root system the crop requires to sustain the rapid growth, as well as being part of the transfer of energy within the plant. Weather plays a role in the availability of P, if soils are cold and wet when the maize is planted then P in the soil will have a very low level of availability, which is why placing some at drilling helps this by providing immediately available forms.
Nutrient availability in general decreases in dry soils, as we’ve had recently, and this will restrict root growth and therefore the ability to support the crop later in the season.
So how do we get around this? A foliar application of phosphate is the best way to overcome these early deficiencies and give the crop a boost in energy levels, both of these will help the crop develop a better root system to support later growth. YaraVita Crop Boost contains foliar phosphate, together with useful amounts of zinc, magnesium and potash. Applying it at the 4-6 leaf stage is effective for fast, efficient uptake through the leaf.
Biostimulants can also help during periods of abiotic stress, such as dry conditions. Trial work carried out in 2021 showed that YaraVita Biotrac, a biostimulant product, increased the yield in maize when applied in combination with YaraVita Crop Boost, by up to 4.4t/ha.
There are farmers committing to replacing a large chunk of their soil-applied nitrogen (N) with foliar N in a bid to save money. This is certainly a risky strategy, considering the lack of grassland specific data for these foliar N products on first cut silage crops.
If we analyse one aspect of this strategy, that is – if we substitute 50 – 80 kg/ha of soil-applied N and replace it with 20 - 30 litres of a product that contains 30% N, we are expecting similar yield and protein content by applying only a fraction of normal practice.
If you expect that a good 1st cut yields 5.5 tonnes of dry matter (DM), with 3.0 tonnes of this coming from the soil's own N reserves through mineralisation etc. This means that approximately 2.5 tonnes is attributed to available N (as bagged N and/or slurry). If the crop contains a modest 14% DM protein, this equates to 123 kg/ha of N contained in that crop as protein. Since 2.5 tonnes is grown with N applied as slurry/fertiliser, that means this portion of the crop requires at least 56 kg/ha of N to synthesise the protein.
Therefore, a first cut at 14% protein requires at least 56 kg/ha of applied N as slurry and/or fertiliser. So where does the N come from to make this protein if you’re only applying 6 – 9 kg/ha of foliar N to replace the 50 – 80 kg’s of soil-applied N? Worth noting that this approach could also lead to nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) greater than 100%, which goes against the guidelines to target 80-90% NUE for sustainable yields and future production security.
Tonne for tonne, first cut silage is the most economical to make and usually the highest quality.
At the field level, the single biggest factor contributing to the cost of producing silage is the yield of the crop. The challenge for farmers is to maximise silage yield while at the same time achieving target silage quality for the production system on the farm.
Whether or not the first cut silage area is being grazed this spring, the important thing is that swards with yellow/dead material at the base must be grazed off. Where this material is not removed before closing, silage D-values will be 5-7 points lower. As for winter grazing sheep, they should certainly be away at this stage. Not doing so will lower your first cut yield.
As for slurry applications, if not applied already then it needs to be on as soon as possible, but only on very short grass and when field conditions allow. Using trailing shoe equipment gives some scope to apply where there are slightly higher grass covers. Make a note of application rates on each field, as this will need to be known to calculate the fertiliser rate.
With the current cost of fertiliser, it’s worthwhile testing slurry, especially if you haven’t done so before. Then by using both slurry and soil test results, we can calculate how much fertiliser is required on each field to grow a crop that fulfils both yield and quality expectations.
There will certainly be more scrutiny on fertiliser rates and timings this year. With many farmers looking to cut rates or use less conventional methods to fertilise first cuts in a bid to offset some of the rises in fertiliser prices.
As mentioned above, the fertiliser rate should be determined on a field-by-field basis, using the recommendations from Section 3 of RB209. On perennial ryegrass swards (PRG) with good growth potential and good soil fertility, the recommended nitrogen (N) rate is 120 kg/ha N where forage demand is high. For less productive swards (low PRG content) or where demand is lower, the N rate should be reduced to 90 kg/ha.
Where slurry has or will be applied, don’t feel rushed to apply N too early as the available N in the slurry is sufficient to keep grass growing during this early March period when grass N demand is low. Where no organic manures will be applied, then a third of your N rate should be applied as soon as soil conditions and soil temperatures (> 6oC) allow, with the remaining 2-3 weeks afterwards.
Where fields have a soil P or K index of 2 or less, and slurry/manure hasn’t met the requirement of 40kg/ha P and 80kg/ha K for the first cut, then an NPK fertiliser with sulphur should be applied. If not, Liebig’s law of the minimum will apply, and growth will be dictated by the scarcest nutrient!
Three Welsh Farming Connect demo sites took part in a project to establish the effectiveness of sulphur and selenium applications using YaraMila Silage Booster and YaraBela Nutri Booster against standard fertiliser blends on silage swards in 2021. Independent grassland and soil specialist Chris Duller provided technical support to the trial.
Mr Duller sampled the grass, and analysis showed that across all sites, in both fresh herbage and silage, the Booster fertilisers increased the selenium content – typically by five times in fresh grass, and by up to three times in silage.
“Raising the selenium status of forage through the use of fertilisers containing selenium has the potential to improve productivity, and can be a useful addition, or an alternative, to mineral supplementation and bolusing,’’ he says.
Yield benefits of up to 11% were recorded on all three farms. With the typical cost of adding sulphur to each silage cut at around £7/ha, the extra grass grown in this trial (300kgDM/ha) is worth nearly £50 in terms of energy and protein. “That’s a healthy 7:1 return on investment,’’ says Mr Duller.
Crude protein and energy levels were very variable in the fresh herbage, with no clear trends, but sugar levels were higher in the grass where the Booster fertilisers had been applied on five of the six sample runs. “Silage analyses recorded an increase in ME at all sites/silage cuts and an increase in crude protein in three of the four samples,’’ says Mr Duller.
If you would like more information and would like to speak to one of our area managers or agronomists please find all their contact details here.
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Phosphate (P) is a key nutrient for grass. Its role in energy supply, root growth and tillering makes its availability crucial for grass growth in the spring. The plant's requirement for P is small in volume when compared to nitrogen BUT its availability is essential.
On grazing farms, a portion of your total annual P requirement should be applied in early spring and I would suggest the lion’s share of it is applied by April. A fresh P application boosts availability at a time when its natural availability is reduced in wet cold soils in early spring and then in April and May when there is a very high demand for P as grass growth is peaking.
Typically, the phosphate in fertiliser is 100% water-soluble; this however creates its own problems. As soon as you apply water-soluble phosphorus to soil, this soluble phosphorus becomes slowly fixed by iron and aluminium. The phosphate contained in YaraMila Super Booster (25-2.2-4.2+2% S) is a mix of water-soluble phosphate and Di-Calcium Phosphate (DCP). This DCP is not fixed by the soil but becomes available as it is triggered by weak acids from grass root exudates. This ideal combination of two phosphate fractions rather than one results in superior availability of P for grass.
The maintenance requirement for phosphate (P) on grazed swards is 8 kg/ha, however, if your grazing platform is growing 15 t of dry matter with 80% utilisation, then your maintenance will be closer to 12 kg/ha.
High fertiliser prices will be a real challenge for farmers, and many face a dilemma of how much and what to buy. Where there’s scope to reduce grass or silage demand, then there is some wriggle room but if demand is going to remain the same then the opportunity to reduce fertiliser volumes from previous years is limited. Farmers may be faced with prioritising nitrogen (N) this year and skipping or reducing phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) applications in a bid to offset higher fertiliser costs.
Much of the commentary on reducing the impact of higher fertiliser prices has focused on slurry N utilisation, and there is scope on some farms to shift more applications into spring, however, a large proportion of farmers won’t have access to low emission spreading equipment (LESS). This cohort of farmers will have very little opportunity to lower their fertiliser N use from previous years without lowering grass production.
The most consistent and, usually, the best response to N from a bag or from slurry is during April and May. A reduction in N rates for grazing needs to be evaluated as it means the area normally closed-up for silage is less, or alternatively, the total N rate for 1st cut silage is reduced from previous seasons. When we lower our N rate (slurry + bag) on 1st cut silage, we will reduce the cost on a per acre basis but not per tonne. We end up with less silage in the pit with no real savings.
One of the most important factors affecting spring grass growth on farms is the timing and quantity of the first spring N fertiliser application. This early spring grass is extremely valuable as a means of increasing the proportion of grazed grass in the diet. The on-farm response to early N can be variable (5 – 18 kg/DM per kg N, source: Teagasc), and coupled with higher N prices, getting timings right is more crucial than ever to make sure we justify the cost.
There’s always an element of debate around the right approach to spring N management. As a rule of thumb, the timing of the first N application should coincide with soil temperatures reaching 5 - 6oC. You can check soil temperature and soil moisture deficits (SMD’s) for different soil types on Met Eireann. If the SMD is negative, don’t apply fertiliser or slurry. Of course, a favourable weather forecast and good field conditions are also necessary when deciding when to spread.
For this first N application, we recommend using a product like YaraVera Amidas at a rate of 20 – 25 units N/acre. The second application should aim to deliver 35 – 40 units and be applied by the end of March on intensively stocked farms or mid-April on farms with a later turn-out date later and/or on heavier soils to take advantage of improving growing conditions. These rates are appropriate for newer swards with high perennial ryegrass content. On less intensively stocked farms or on swards that will be less responsive to N, then the above rates should be scaled back by 25%.
Farmers may be considering a P & K ‘holiday’ this year in an effort to offset higher fertiliser prices. This needs to be considered carefully, particularly on farms that are highly stocked. The trouble is, while the cost-saving is known, the potential penalty in lost yield is uncertain so it’s a question of risk. This is in the short term, because longer-term, any negative balance of phosphorous and potassium where these are not applied this year, will have to be made up. You don’t get something for nothing.
We have not seen the same price rises for fertiliser P & K as N, and currently, NPK’s could be considered better value for money in comparison to straight N products. On dairy farms, it may be counterproductive not to maintain current soil fertility levels this year, at the expense of growing less grass. Also, there is no certainty that the cost of fertiliser P & K will return to early 2021 price levels.
For drystock farmers, it may be a case that N is prioritised, at the expense of P & K. This is not a situation that we want to see, but it may well be the reality on many farms. If only a percentage of the normal P & K rates can be spread, then late spring is the most opportune time to apply these on grassland approaching peak growth rates. Slurry should be prioritised for silage fields and the remaining if any for grazing fields/paddocks with low soil P & K fertility.
The great unknown is the weather and it ultimately has the greatest impact on fertiliser performance, so fingers crossed for an early spring where livestock can be turned out early and can stay out.
Most farms will apply through experience, roughly the same amount of N fertiliser each year to grow what forage is required on the farm. Some years you grow more grass for the same amount of N because the weather is favourable and other years you grow less. For any farmer contemplating reducing N fertiliser applications on grass, it would be worthwhile to calculate what any decrease in N rates will have on grass growth.
From Yara’s own trial work in both the UK and Ireland and other sources we can estimate that on a typical 1st cut with good yield potential and soil fertility, harvested between the 1st and 20th of May, we can expect to grow 25 kg of dry matter (DM) per kg of applied N. Late May – early June harvested 1st cuts will grow closer to 30 kg of DM per kg N.
For grazing on intensively stocked farms, N responses can be very variable in early spring, with 10 kg of DM per kg of applied N for that late-February to March period considered good. The response increases (20 – 30 kg of DM per kg N) very quickly in April with improving weather and soil conditions, rising to 30 – 40 kg DM per kg N in May.
Example: A farmer who plans to mow his/her 1st cut on the 10th of May is going to reduce the N rate from 120 kg/ha to 100 kg/ha because of the high fertiliser price. The yield loss is likely to be 500 kg/ha of DM (25 kg of DM x 25 kg N). The question is, can the farmer replace this 500 kg of DM for less than the saving on the fertiliser?
The highest and most reliable DM response year-on-year to applied N is in this April/May period, and any reduction in N rates particularly on 1st cut silage crops should be carefully considered. Because, a large portion of the cash costs associated with producing grass silage is charged on an area basis, so a reduction in yield pushes up the cost on a per tonne basis and any savings on fertiliser can be quickly eroded.
If you are short of time why not check out our bite-size podcasts for the latest thoughts on grassland nutrition.
Following the recent dramatic increase in the cost of fertiliser, brought on by record-high gas prices. What can be done to lower the fertiliser requirements on farms without risking output? The distribution of manures around the farm, how and when they are spread will be key.
Before February comes around, have up-to-date soil test results to hand and use them to put a nutrient plan in place for your farm. You’ll have a fair idea how much manure you have, so it’s a matter of allocating this manure to make the best use of the nutrients in them.
If there was ever a good time to test slurry, then it would be this spring. The nutrient content of the slurry is variable and book values are averages, so therefore on a good many farms, the fertiliser replacement value of slurry is being underestimated.
Can more slurry be applied in the spring? Spreading slurry (by trailing shoe) in the spring compared to the summer increases the nitrogen availability from 30% to 40%, this would increase the available nitrogen by 0.26 kg per cubic metre or 2.5 units per 1,000 gallons. Where possible, spread slurry using low-emission equipment.
Finally, use the right fertiliser. Using a sulphur-containing product can boost yields by more than 10%, compared to straight nitrogen. On a typical 1st cut, that’s over 500 kg/ha of extra dry matter.
These marginal gains will not fully offset the increase in fertiliser prices, but they can help
Because most livestock farmers are growing grass to feed to livestock, it can be difficult to put a value on grass for the purpose of evaluating the economics of nitrogen applications on grassland. In an effort to help farmers understand what value to attach to grass forage, and the effect that fertiliser costs have on it, we have put together a calculator on our website to help demonstrate how valuable grass is, if we compare replacing its feed value with purchased concentrates.
The calculator is simple to use, and gives the user the opportunity to test different scenarios. The variables that can be changed include the price of fertiliser, barley and rapeseed meal, and grass yields and quality (% DM, ME MJ/kg, % CP).
We hope this calculator makes it easier to evaluate the cost of fertiliser and it’s contribution to growing grass on your farm.
At some stage, over the next couple of months, you should plan to do some soil testing if you haven’t done so already. Once you have the results don’t file them in a drawer. Review them and use them to put together a nutrient management plan (NMP) for 2021. An NMP is really about prioritising how we use organic and mineral nutrients on the farm in the most cost-effective way possible.
Too often organic manures are applied on the same parts of the farm, year after year. There are plenty of reasons why this is done, but it’s not maximising the potential value of this valuable resource. Using umbilical spreading systems may be an option to target other areas of the farm. Target cattle slurry at low K index soils as it’s a cost-effective potash source.
Intensively stocked grassland farms, should consider soil testing more regularly. By soil testing every 1 – 3 years you’re in a better position to monitor soil fertility trends. Fertiliser recommendations are not an exact science, hence soil testing more frequently together with measuring grass yields will help you fine-tune your NMP for every paddock or field on your farm.
Remember, grass requires a continuous and balanced nutrient supply from the soil to achieve its production potential. If a farm is regularly soil testing, say every three years, then the £1 ha/year cost is money well spent.
With nitrogen (N) prices where they are, what are the likely cash costs associated with producing a first cut next May? Might it be worthwhile to produce less silage in the spring, and buy more feed instead?
In reality, the cash cost will vary between farms, but with good levels of management, I calculate a cash cost of €390 per ha (or €71 per tonne dry matter (DM). This assumes a yield of 5.5 tonnes/ha DM, where the total N rate was 120 kg/ha (80 kg/ha coming from fertiliser and 40 kg/ha from slurry). N fertiliser is costed at €1.42/kg, and this accounts for 29 % of the total cash cost to produce this hypothetical first cut.
Because the lion’s share of the cost (i.e. machinery operations) are charged on a per ha basis rather than on yield, achieving good yields by optimising crop nutrition through efficient utilisation of manures and topping up with purchased N, is still the most cost-efficient option. Lower N rates will lower yields and protein %, therefore pushing up the cost of each tonne grown.
The replacement value of good quality silage with a mix of soya and barley at €368 and €170 per tonne respectively, would be €186 per tonne DM. So it costs €71 tonne to produce on-farm, but €186 to replace it. Increased fertiliser prices will push up the cost of homegrown feed next year but if the alternative is to replace forage with bought feed, then the latter option will cost more.
Spreading nitrogen (N) from mid-September onwards needs careful consideration. The growth response will have to justify the cost, and excess N not utilised by the plant is at risk of leaching. If you’re farming in an NVZ in England or Wales and within your N-max, you’re allowed up to 80 kg/ha N on grassland between the 15th September and the 31st October, with a maximum of 40 kg/ha N being allowed in any one application. Whereas in Scotland no nitrogen fertiliser may be applied from 15th September.
It's worth checking how much P & K has been applied to date, and if there’s any shortfall then apply a suitable compound NPK fertiliser like YaraMila 52 S or YaraMila NK SULPHUR to replenish this year’s P & K offtakes instead of N only. Under applying P or K this year only depletes soil fertility for next year and there is a clear relationship between good soil fertility and high grass dry matter production. So as tempting as it may seem to go with nitrogen only in this last application, we shouldn’t risk lowering soil fertility for next year.
Grass demand should dictate the N rate, but don’t forget to also consider soil conditions and the weather forecast. Take a paddock by paddock approach to spreading N rather than blanket spreading the entire grassland area. Depending on your demand for grass, apply 25 – 30 kg/ha N and earlier the better. Higher rates of N, or N applied in October, won’t be justified in most years.
From mid-September, daily grass growth will fall rapidly. After this point grass can quickly run out and either livestock performance declines or they will require housing to maintain performance. If we start to manage grass now, we can grow more grass over the coming weeks. This then allows us to build up a bank of grass for extending the grazing period and, if correctly managed, allows for an earlier turnout of livestock in the spring.
Grass grown now will remain leafy, albeit not as good as that grown earlier in the year. It will not require the same level of purchased feed to maintain a certain level of milk yield, or daily live weight gain, compared to feeding poorer quality forage indoors or set stocked grazing where there is poorer quality grass with lots of dead material at the base.
If we optimise grass growth over the coming weeks by applying YaraBela Nutri Booster and operating a rotational grazing system (even if it’s temporary fencing), we can save money and shorten the indoor period. This means that livestock will need to graze an area and then be moved onto a fresh area every 1-4 days, allowing the sward to recover and start growing again. The drier or ‘earlier’ parts of the farm should be grazed from mid-September and then closed off as the regrowth on these parts can be carried over the winter months for grazing first in the spring.
Measuring carbon levels in the soil is becoming increasingly important with the development of financial incentives for carbon sequestration. The thought behind it is that an increased amount of carbon sequestered in soil should help to lower the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, with the added benefit of increasing soil quality.
Increasing soil carbon means carefully managing its inputs and losses. If the amount of carbon going into the soil exceeds the amount of carbon being lost from the soil, then, generally speaking, the amount of carbon stored in the soil should increase.
However, some soils can store more carbon than others. Soils that have higher clay contents can store more carbon than soils with less clay. That’s because clay particles physically protect organic matter making it harder for soil micro-organisms to make contact and decompose it. Sandy soils contain less clay, so it is easier for microbes to get to the organic matter and break it down, hence sands turnover carbon much quicker and usually can’t achieve higher stored carbon levels.
The main carbon inputs to soil are from plant material such as roots, residues, root exudates and animal manure. Plants capture carbon from the atmosphere and use it to grow. Carbon makes up the majority of the mass of the plant, and when plants are returned to the soil after being excreted or incorporated, the carbon they contain is added to the soil’s carbon store.
Grass mineral analysis can be a useful tool to check nutrient levels, both macro and micro-nutrients levels in grass swards. Silage samples are regularly tested for minerals, but it’s usually with a focus on animal nutrition rather than crop nutrition. So there is certainly more scope on grassland to utilise silage mineral analysis to improve yields and nutrient use efficiency.
During the winter a farmer asked me to have a look at his 1st cut silage mineral analysis report received back from the Yara Analytical Services lab which highlighted a couple of potential problems. Because it was a composite sample from a number of different fields, it warranted a closer look in the spring, so three silage fields were sampled in May, 10 days before harvest.
The three fields had received the same nutrients in the spring - a combination of slurry and YaraMila EXTRAGRASS (27-5-5+6%SO3). Nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, sulphur, calcium and magnesium were within the optimum range for two of the fields, while the report on the third field indicated that phosphate, potash, calcium and magnesium were deficient.
These three fields had the same history of manure applications, and the most recent soil analysis indicated good levels of soil phosphate and potash. The low soil pH (5.4) was the difference in the ‘deficient’ field. This makes sense, as soil pH affects nutrient availability. This again highlights the benefit of analysis and in particular the importance of acting on the results, especially correcting low soil pH.
As a rule of thumb we use the two units of nitrogen per day to guide nitrogen application rates for grass silage swards, but what about grazing? Where there is a high demand for grass on intensively stocked farms, then we should be aiming to apply 1 unit of nitrogen per day, over the coming three months. So, if your rotation length is 21 days, then apply 21 units of nitrogen, and aim for a total of 30-31 units of nitrogen per month. If this seems low, remember there is nitrogen carryover from urine and dung from previous grazings.
For best results, use a nitrate-based nitrogen fertiliser, like YaraBela Nutri Booster. This CAN-based fertiliser with 5 % sulphur was specifically formulated for mid-season nitrogen applications. Nitrate based fertilisers are more reliable during the summer months. The added environmental benefit of using CAN based nitrogen products like YaraBela Nutri Booster is its very low ammonia emissions - even during the summer months.
If paddocks have a clover content of 20 – 25 %, then there is scope to stop nitrogen applications altogether from June onwards. Irish research has demonstrated that clover swards receiving 120 units/acre of nitrogen annually, had similar performance to perennial ryegrass swards receiving 200 units/acre. Clover is a shallow-rooted species with around 15% of the root density of perennial ryegrass making it much less competitive for soil nutrients. Regular applications of a P and K compound like Yara Super PK throughout the growing season are necessary for high levels of clover productivity and biological N fixation.
It’s fair to say, that first cut silage yields have been disappointing. It’s no wonder considering the growth we’ve had during April and early May. Some have ended up grazing fields that were intended for 1st cut, so with this in mind and low silage stocks, a good second cut will be more important than ever to put tonnes in the pit for the winter ahead.
If adequately fertilised, and with favourable growing conditions these second cuts crops are capable of 6 – 7 tonnes of fresh weight per acre, which isn’t far behind a good first cut. Slurry and fertiliser application rates are important considerations to make the most of second cut yield potential.
It’s best practice to apply fertiliser a week after the slurry has been applied. If no slurry is being applied, then spread the fertiliser within a couple of days of the 1st cut harvest or on closing-up from grazing. It happens regularly that nutrients applications are delayed too long, which then results in lighter crops or crops needing a longer growing period, which in turn lowers silage quality.
Sulphur is an important nutrient, and it certainly merits using a fertiliser that contains sulphur on these second cuts. The response does vary according to soil type, regularity of manure applications and overwinter rainfall, but the majority of silage crops do respond to applications.
With over 90 % of silage samples analysed having very low selenium levels, there is also an opportunity to increase the selenium content of silage for the winter ahead by using fertiliser’s fortified with selenium like YaraMila SILAGE BOOSTER or YaraBela NUTRI-BOOSTER. This is most beneficial to pregnant cows and ewes.
No slurry - 4 bags/acre of YaraMila SILAGE BOOSTER
1,000 gal/acre cattle slurry - 3¾ bags/acre of YaraMila SILAGE BOOSTER
2,000 gal/acre cattle slurry - 3 bags/acre of YaraBela NUTRI BOOSTER
Remember, P fertiliser rates may need to be adjusted based on the nitrates (NAP, 2017) limits for your farm. With the weather Gods on our side, a good second cut has the scope to make up for lighter first cut crops, but it’s important to order what fertiliser is required and have it ready for spreading.
If slurry is available, the amount needs to be evenly applied over the entire second cut area. What often happens is, too much is applied at the beginning before it’s realised there’s not enough in the tank, and then the application rates have to be reduced or even vice versa. We end up with parts of the field being undersupplied with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K).
Slurry needs to be applied as soon as the first cut has been harvested, and preferably by low emission spreading systems (LESS) like trailing shoe. On fields that are only now being closed up for silage after being grazed, then the grass needs to be well grazed down. Slurry is a great source of nutrients and reduces fertiliser costs, however, we don’t want the residues of this slurry ending up in the pit and causing issues. It really depends on how ‘watery’ or ‘thick’ the slurry is. Thick slurry would need to be applied in lower volumes for fear it mats the grass and doesn’t get washed off. Lower dry matter (DM) slurry or ‘watery’ slurry can be spread at higher rates.
The period of time between slurry application and a planned harvest will also dictate the slurry rate. If it’s less than 6 weeks then low volumes, and if it’s ‘thick’ slurry being spread by splash plate, then it might be better not to apply, and leave till later in the season.
Maize has a high demand for nutrients due to its high yield potential. These high yields of 40+ tonnes/ha can only be achieved if the crop can access enough nutrients via its roots, and as the plant grows, through foliar applications.
Zinc and magnesium deficiencies are the two most widespread nutritional disorders in maize. Zinc is important for photosynthetic activity. Magnesium is essential for the early establishment of the plant. A deficiency is reflected in reduced crop yield at harvest.
Phosphorus and potash are primary nutrients, however, many soils have not got the capacity to deliver an adequate supply. Where phosphate availability is reduced because of soil pH or where its uptake is impaired due to dry soil conditions, foliar phosphate will help. It is translocated from the leaf to the roots very effectively, maintaining root development.
One or more of the above is often deficient in the growing maize plant. This nutritional shortage is particularly important as the plant reaches the 4 to 5 leaf stage as it is now that yield is being set. Maize stressed at this point can result in tall, thin plants, with poor root systems and reduced leaf area. Reduced leaf area captures less light, resulting in lower yields.
To overcome the risk of nutrient deficiency, apply foliar nutrients at the 4 to 5 leaf stage. YaraVita Crop Boost is specifically formulated for foliar applications on maize. It will deliver a high concentration of phosphate, zinc, magnesium and potash to maximise maize yield and quality this harvest.
It’s likely that 1st cuts will be lighter, so if you’re looking to cut high-quality silage stick as close to your planned cutting date. Hopefully, we can make up this yield loss in subsequent cuts, but we won’t be able to make up for the higher costs of supplementing poorer quality silage.
On farms where 1st cuts are only being closed up, then use a nitrate-based fertiliser. If slurry hasn’t been applied then definitely go with an NPKS product like YaraMila Silage Booster to maximise silage yields. Potash (K) is a really important nutrient for silage and a low K supply can really hit silage yields. For every kg of K we apply per ha, we see a return of 20 – 30 kg of silage. If 22 – 33 m3/ha (2,000 – 3,000 gallons/acre) of cattle slurry is applied, then an N + S product like YaraBela Nutri Booster is adequate.
To calculate the N required for a 1st cut that is only being closed-up for silage, then count the days between closing-up and a planned cutting date. Subtract 5 days from this number, and then multiply by 2.5 to give the kg/ha of N required (multiply by 2 to give units/acre). The N in any cattle slurry (0.9 kg/m3 or 8 unit/1,000 gal), along with 20 % of any fertiliser N applied earlier for grazing, should be deducted from the N requirement of the silage crop to give the fertiliser N rate.
A new reseed can often be the most challenging crop to establish on grassland farms. The main benefits of new swards are improved dry matter (DM) yield, and improved nutrient use efficiency.
Step 1: Identify poorly performing paddocks.
Step 2: assess their content of desirable grasses. If this is less than 60% consider re-seeding. Annual meadow grass and other weed grasses produce lower yields, poorer feed quality and do not respond well to applied nutrients. Yield will be reduced by 1 % for every 1 % in weed ground cover.
Step 3: Take a soil test and act on the results. Before you start, be sure to complete this step. On mineral soils, the optimum pH for grass is 6.3. Failing to correct pH will severely impact the success of your reseed. Choose only varieties from the DAFM Grass and White Clover Recommended List and pick those that suit your particular farm.
Step 4: Provide new swards with the correct nutrients at sowing. Failure to do so will hinder the success of the ley. Where the soil P & K index is 3, then use 2.5 bags/acre of YaraMila MULTI-CROP (8-10-20 + 2% S) at establishment. New leys have a greater requirement for phosphate to help with root development and a lower requirement for nitrogen. It is recommended to apply more nitrogen after establishment, but this needs to be assessed carefully as reseeds established in August by ploughing or deep cultivation will release considerable amounts of N from the microbial breakdown of organic matter, called mineralisation. This mineralised N is available for the reseed, providing adequate N for the remainder of the growing season. Where swards have been established through minimal cultivation or direct seeding, these may require a bag/acre of YaraBela AXAN or YaraBela NUTRI-BOOSTER before the 15th of September.
My Top Tips: Weeks 4-6 (post-emergence) apply herbicide to prevent weeds competing for nutrients and space. Graze lightly with youngstock or sheep, as soon as the new plants don’t pull out of the ground, which is usually when grass height is at 6 - 7 cm or at the two-leaf stage to promote new shoots, and thus the long term productivity of your new sward.
At this stage, most 1st cut fertiliser applications are completed, but are you confident that your target fertiliser rate was evenly applied? Yara has demonstrated how, over 24 metres, the physical quality of a fertiliser influences the yield and quality of a grass crop.
Yara has looked at this effect by comparing YaraMila Extragrass (27-2.2-4.2+2.4+%S) with a blended 27-2-4+S. The target rate for both products was 500kg/ha and the spreader settings were changed for each product on testing. The YaraMila product achieved the target rate across the whole bout width; however the application rate for the blended product varied between 400 to 648kg/ha.
We then analysed separately each of the 23 trays from the blended product, to determine the actual NPK+S content. Because the YaraMila product is a compound, we know that the product in each tray contained 27% N, 2.2% P, 4.2% K and 2.4% S. The blended product had a variation in N across the bout width of between 91kg and 160kg, for P the variation was 10 to 19kg and for the K it was 34 – 59kg/ha. The target was 135kg, 25kg and 25kg for N, P and K respectively.
Accounting only for unevenness of the N, in this blend, compared to the YaraMila Extragrass, there was a yield loss of nearly 400kg/ha of grass dry matter. That’s a loss of nearly 1.5 tonnes of silage, worth around €30 per ha.
Don’t take the chance, use a quality compound fertiliser.
With 1st cut fertiliser applications underway, it’s important to remember that 1st cut silage is the most economical cut to grow. For all cuts the variable costs are similar. Due to the high yield of the 1st cut, it is this forage that achieves a lower cost/tonne of dry matter ensiled. The nutrition given to these crops this spring will be the main driver of how well they perform come harvest.
What nutrients are required? Slurry is available on most farms and should preferably be applied by low emission equipment. It minimises nitrogen (N) losses from ammonia volatilisation, leaving more N in the soil for the crop. 1,000 gallons/acre of cattle slurry, contributes 7 units of N if applied by splash plate (or 9.5 units if applied by trailing shoe/trailing hose). After accounting for the N in the slurry, the mineral N rate should be calculated to ensure that the crop receives a total N rate of 100 units/acre.
At least 70 units of potash should be applied for 1st cut, unless the soil index is 3 or above. A little more can be applied if the soil index is 0 or 1. If this potash rate is not supplied via slurry then apply in fertiliser. 1,000 gallons/acre of cattle slurry contains 21 units of potash. All 1st cut silage crops should routinely receive 25 – 30 units of sulphur. Where an NPKS fertiliser is required, then YaraMila Silage Booster ticks all the boxes.
How long should I leave between applications of fertiliser nitrogen (N) and slurry?, is one of the questions I am most often asked. Slurry applied on fertiliser N creates ideal conditions for denitrification, i.e., anaerobic conditions and high carbon compounds. It is recommended to leave 7 days before or after slurry spreading for application. There’s always some confusion around lime applications and urea. If lime is applied, then urea shouldn’t be spread for at least 3 months afterwards. The lime increases the soil pH which increases the rate of volatilisation of ammonia. Lime can be spread 10 days after urea applications.
I’m also asked: What are the sulphur levels in slurry and are they enough for a 1st cut silage? If 2,000 gallons/acre of cattle slurry (22 m3/ha) was applied this spring, it’s estimated to contain 6 units/acre (7 kg/ha) of crop available sulphur. This is not enough, as a decent 1st cut will remove 28 - 32 units/acre (35 – 40 kg/ha). Sulphur in autumn slurry applications may be lost via overwinter leaching. Some of the available crop sulphur (sulphate) in slurry is also lost during storage, as anaerobic storage conditions lead to the conversion of sulphate to hydrogen sulphide gas.
Phosphate is another topic. The 16 units/acre (20 kg/ha) of phosphate on my grazing area, when should I apply? My advice is to spread it over two or three applications, with two preferably in the spring and then another in early June.
Research in Ireland has shown that by liming to increasing soil pH there also followed a significant reduction of N2O emissions and increased grassland productivity. Liming is well known as an agronomic measure to ameliorate acidic soils and maintain soil pH at the optimum level for high crop productivity. Liming increases the activity of soil microbes and the availability of nutrients, most notably phosphate, leading to improved plant growth. This research could be used to further support an increase in the optimum soil pH for grassland on farms with high grass yields.
The soil at the trial site was classified as acidic, with a pH of 5, but liming over 10 years resulted in soil pH ranging from 5.0 to 6.9. Increasing soil pH by liming resulted in a significant reduction of N2O emissions and increased grassland productivity compared to the un-limed plots under the same management and nitrogen fertiliser regime. The degree of reduction in N2O emissions mainly depended on the amount of lime applied across the experimental period. When soil pH was increased to 6.9, N2O emissions were reduced by 39% compared to the control soil pH of 5.0. The long-term results in terms of grass yield showed that the highest yields were achieved when liming was combined with regular phosphate application. Plots limed to pH higher than 6 had 0.5 t/ha higher dry-matter yields, while the yields in limed plots with optimal P content had 1.5 t/ha higher yields on average compared to un-limed soils with low P fertility.
One of the most important factors affecting spring grass growth on farms is the timing and quantity of the first spring nitrogen (N) fertiliser application. Early spring grass for grazing is extremely valuable. Therefore however modest any increase in grass growth might be, it can be a big help to balance the overall feed requirement of livestock. Grass requires more N to grow, so sulphur (and potentially phosphate and potash) are also required.
There’s always an element of debate around the right approach to spring N management. As a rule of thumb, the timing of the first N application should coincide with soil temperatures reaching 5 - 6oC. If you’re using a soil thermometer for the first time, my advice is it make sure you insert it 10 cm’s into the ground. You can also check the Met Eireann website for soil temperatures. Of course, a favourable weather forecast and good field conditions are also necessary when deciding when to spread.
For your first N application, we recommend using a product with sulphur such as YaraBela Nutri Booster at a rate of 20 - 23 units N/acre. The second application should aim to deliver 40 - 45 units and be timed to take advantage of improving growing conditions in early April. These rates are appropriate for newer swards with high perennial ryegrass content. On less intensively stocked farms or on swards that will be less responsive to N, then the above rates should be scaled back by 25%.
At some stage, over the next couple of months, you should plan to do some soil testing if you haven’t done so already. Once you have the results don’t file them in a drawer. Review them and use them to put together a nutrient management plan (NMP) for 2021. An NMP is really about prioritising how we use organic and mineral nutrients on the farm in the most cost-effective way possible.
Too often organic manures are applied on the same parts of the farm, year after year. There are plenty of reasons why this is done, but it’s not maximising the potential value of this valuable resource. Using umbilical spreading systems may be an option to target other areas of the farm. Target cattle slurry at low K index soils as it’s a cost-effective potash source.
Intensively stocked grassland farms, should consider soil testing more regularly. By soil testing every 1 – 3 years you’re in a better position to monitor soil fertility trends. Fertiliser recommendations are not an exact science, hence soil testing more frequently together with measuring grass yields will help you fine-tune your NMP for every paddock or field on your farm.
Remember, grass requires a continuous and balanced nutrient supply from the soil to achieve its production potential. If a farm is regularly soil testing, say every three years, then the £1 ha/year cost is money well spent.
The quality of grass silage fed to dairy cows is an important factor in cow performance and margin-over-feed cost. Silage digestibility (D-value) declines by an average of 3.3% for each week delay in harvest. Hence the move by dairy farmers to cut earlier and more frequently. A recent Northern Irish study examined cow performance and the whole system impact of offering silages produced within either a 3 or 4-cut system.
Total silage dry matter (DM) yields for the 3 and 4-cut system were 13.4 t DM/ha and 12.3 t DM/ha respectively. The average DM of the 3-cut system was 31.9% and 34.4% for the 4-cut system. The average metabolizable energy (MJ/kg DM) was 10.7 and 11.3, and average protein (% DM) was 14.3 and 16.4 for the 3 and 4-cut system respectively.
Cows on the 4-cut system had higher silage intakes (+9.5%), produced more milk (+6.4%) with higher milk protein (+2.1%) but slightly lower fat content (-2.4%). Silage production costs were calculated as €126 and €149 t/DM for the 3 and 4-cut system respectively. This includes a land charge, reseeding cost and a contractor for harvesting.
Total feed costs were 25 cents/cow/day higher with the 4-cut system, but the value of milk produced was 78 cents/cow/day higher. The margin-over-feed cost was 53 cents/cow/day higher for the 4-cut system. For a 100 cow herd over a 180 day winter period, the 4-cut system resulted in a €9,549 increase in margin-over-feed costs.
Multi-cut silage systems may not suit every farm, but bring the potential to lower feed costs, improve milk output and make dairy farms more self-reliant.
Yara announced its plan to produce Green Ammonia earlier in the year but what does this actually mean?
In order to produce ammonium nitrate (AN) fertilisers, ammonia is mixed with nitric acid to produce a liquid ammonium nitrate solution, this then goes on to produce the prills or granules that you’d recognise as fertiliser. The ammonia that is used for this process is produced with hydrogen gas from fossil fuels, mainly natural gas (methane), and therefore is classed as ‘brown’ ammonia due to its use of natural resources.
Green Ammonia is produced in a different way. H2O undergoes electrolysis, which is powered by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, in order to get the required hydrogen gas. Nitrogen is obtained from the atmosphere (which is 78% nitrogen gas) and two undergo the Haber-Bosch process. The end result is Green Ammonia, made from renewable sources. Unlike in the traditional ‘brown’ ammonia method, there is zero CO2 ‘waste’, therefore there is only a very low carbon footprint associated with Green Ammonia.
This is increasingly important as consumers want to know the carbon footprint of their purchases and it is thought that all food items will show a carbon footprint value in the near future. Every process needs to be sustainable and have as little impact on climate change as possible. With ammonia being the second-most-widely produced commodity chemical globally, (annual production volume of over 180 million tonnes) this new method would make a massive impact worldwide.
Grass YEN, the industry-science platform had its end of year meeting earlier in October. Yara was once again co-sponsor of the event, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the five farmers that we sponsored for their time and energy in participating in this year’s competition.
There were 23 silage crops entered in this year’s competition. The yield gap between 1st cuts and 2nd cuts was narrower as you would expect with the drought affecting 1st cut yields. Average 1st cut dry matter (DM) yields were 5,385 kg/ha, ranging from 3,502 – 9,014 kg/ha. Average 2nd cut DM yields were 4,602 kg/ha, and ranged from 3,218 – 8,754 kg/ha. DM yields for 3rd cuts averaged 3,028 kg/ha.
Nutrient offtakes is always an interesting aspect of Grass YEN, where grass samples from each grass crop are analysed for their mineral content and from this offtakes are calculated. The average offtakes for each tonne of DM yield across all crops was 21kg of N, 3kg of P, 28kg of K and 2kg of S. With the highest yielding cuts taking off over 300kg N/ha, >330kg/ha K, >20kg/ha S.
Looking at the tissue concentrations of the crops sampled, 74% of the crops were considered sulphur deficient. If we want to improve nutrient use efficiency on farms, the use and rate of sulphur applications on silage crops needs careful consideration and could be an easy win to reduce nutrient losses, increase yields and improve silage quality.
Ammonia is a gas that is widely used to make nitrogen fertilisers. Green ammonia production is where the process of making ammonia is 100% renewable and carbon-free. One way of making green ammonia is by using hydrogen from water electrolysis and nitrogen separated from the air. These are then fed into the Haber process (also known as Haber-Bosch), all powered by sustainable electricity. In the Haber process, hydrogen and nitrogen are reacted together at high temperatures and pressures to produce ammonia (NH3).
Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide produced during the ammonia manufacturing process is critical to achieving net-zero targets by 2050. The best way to reduce carbon emissions when making ammonia is to use low-carbon hydrogen. Green hydrogen is produced using water electrolysis to generate hydrogen and oxygen, and the availability of sufficient green energy limits the production capacity of green hydrogen.
A consequence of decarbonised ammonia production is you can’t produce urea. Because urea is made by combining ammonia and the carbon dioxide (CO2) released in the earlier process where hydrogen is split from the carbon source (usually natural gas) to provide the hydrogen in ammonia (NH3) production. So it’s unlikely urea can be part of a decarbonised food chain.
It’s Yara’s goal to decarbonise fertiliser production, but it will require significant ongoing investment in R & D and production capacity. It’s interesting to note that when Yara first began producing nitrogen fertiliser in Norway, back in 1905, the process was carbon-free! The energy source back then was hydro-electricity.
Spreading nitrogen (N) from mid-September onwards needs careful consideration. The growth response will have to justify the cost, and excess or unused soil nitrate should be minimised as we approach winter as it constitutes a risk to water quality. If you’re farming in an NVZ, then you’re allowed up to 80 kg/ha of mineral nitrogen on grassland between the 15th September and the 31st October, with a maximum of 40 kg/ha of N being allowed in any one application.
Preferably N applications should take place at a time when grass growth is sufficient to utilise it. Teagasc research on autumn applied N has shown that 30 kg/ha of N applied on the 1st of August, 1st September and 1st of October gave a grass dry matter (DM) response of 27 kg, 19 kg and 10 kg respectively, for each kg of N applied. If we assume that this grass DM contains 3% N, then our apparent N recovery rate was 80% for August, dropping to 30% for October.
It is important that any N applications take into account the requirement for grass, but don’t forget to also consider your soil and weather. I advise taking a paddock by paddock approach to spreading N rather than blanket spreading the entire grassland area. Depending on your demand for grass, apply from 20 – 25 kg N/ha, and preferably by mid-September. Higher rates of N, or N applied in October, won’t be justified in most years.
Adequate fertiliser is essential to obtain the maximum yields that short term leys and hybrid brassicas are capable of producing. In general these crops are being sown after a cereal crop, and therefore soil nitrogen supply (SNS) is likely to be low.
With temporary leys following cereals Yara recommend up to 50 kg/ha of nitrogen, 20 kg/ha of phosphate (P) and 40 kg/ha of potassium (K) applied at drilling. The phosphate in particular is important for root development and tillering. YaraMila Actyva S (16-6.6-12.4 + 2.6% S) contains ‘P-Extend’ which will provide a consistent and reliable supply of phosphate for the remainder of the growing period. Not forgetting that these fast growing grass leys have a requirement for sulphur which is often forgotten.
Remember that there’s 7.5 kg/ha of nitrogen in every 1 cm of grass growth. We would expect Italian ryegrass or Westerwolds to grow to a minimum height of 10 cm by the end of October, therefore requiring 75 kg of N. If we apply 50 kg of N from the bag, there will be enough soil residual N to provide the remaining.
The hybrid brassicas such as Redstart and Interval may still be drilled into late August and they have similar nutrient requirements to that of forage rape and stubble turnips. We recommend up to 80 kg/ha of nitrogen, 10 kg/ha of phosphate (P), 40 kg/ha of potassium (K) and 12 kg/ha of sulphur (S). A perfect fit for these nutrient requirements is YaraMila Silage Booster (20-2-12 + 3% S +Se) with ‘P-Extend’.
It is vital to get these crops off to a good start, so placing the fertiliser in the seedbed will help to establish strong healthy plants.
From mid-September daily grass growth will fall rapidly. After this point grass can quickly run out and either livestock performance declines or they will require housing to maintain performance. If we start to manage grass now, we can grow more grass over the coming weeks. This then allows us to build up a bank of grass for extending the grazing period and, if correctly managed, allows for earlier turnout of livestock in the spring.
Grass grown now will remain leafy, albeit not as good as leafy grass grown earlier in the year. It will not require the same level of purchased feed to maintain a certain level of milk yield, or daily liveweight gain, compared to feeding poorer quality forage indoors or set stocked grazing where there is poorer quality grass with lots of dead material at the base.
If we optimise grass growth over the coming weeks by applying nitrogen and sulphur now and operating a rotational grazing system (even if it’s temporary fencing) then we can save money and shorten the indoor period. This means that livestock will need to graze an area and then be moved onto a fresh area every 1-4 days, allowing the sward to recover and start growing again. The drier or ‘earlier’ parts of the farm should be grazed from mid-September and then closed off as the regrowth on these parts can be carried over the winter months for grazing first in the spring.
Adopting Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) could help reduce soil compaction risk and boost yields by up to 10.5%, while also reducing nitrous oxide emissions.
In Yara’s recent grassland webinar, we were joined by Mark Plunkett, a specialist in soil and plant nutrition with Teagasc in Ireland. Mark reviewed current soil fertility trends on Irish farms. He then went on to explain why Teagasc have focused considerable effort to demonstrate why it’s worth improving soil pH, phosphate (P) and potash (K) levels to keep farms competitive.
On Irish dairy farms the trend over the last 10 years has been positive for soil fertility. This information is collated annually from Irish soil test result records. Soil pH has improved on these farms, and currently 59% of soil samples have a pH of 6.2 or above, up from 25%, 10 years ago. The optimum soil pH for grassland in Ireland is 6.2 – 6.5. Half of soil samples currently tested are at the optimum or higher for P, and 59% were at the optimum or higher for K. Crucially, the number of soil samples at the optimum or higher for pH, P and K has doubled in the last 10 years. It now stands at 21%.
Did you know up to 15% of nitrogen can be wasted if soil P is below par? As Mark discussed, using research and on-farm data demonstrates the importance of optimising soil fertility, to grow more grass cheaply and sustainably. Mark signed off with some very simple advice: soil sample regularly and follow a fertiliser plan.
Adopting Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) could help reduce soil compaction risk and boost yields by up to 10.5%, while also reducing nitrous oxide emissions.
Grassland farmers could benefit from adopting an ‘arable mindset’ and controlling the movements of machinery across fields as a means of limiting compaction and maximising grass yields.
This is according to Dr Paul Hargreaves, grassland researcher for SRUC, who has just completed a three-year study looking at CTF on silage ground. His results show grassland farmers could expect a yield increase of 8.5-10.5% by following a CTF system, while nitrogen use efficiency will also be improved.
Rather than driving anywhere on a field, CTF means machines follow set wheel marks which run parallel to the line of trajection and then around the headland. “It’s about trying to control the movements of machinery around a field to limit the area they cover and running all machinery along similar wheelings. It’s trying to think of grass as an arable crop,” says Dr Hargreaves. SRUC trial work found that about 83% of a field cut three times using a forage harvester, with slurry applied, will be covered in wheelings on a traditional system. These wheelings will suffer from soil compaction and therefore reduced yields. On a CTF system, the area covered in wheelings will reduce to about 19%.
The three-year trial at SRUC looked at long-term performance of a perennial ryegrass and red clover ley, which was established at the start of the trial. They looked at different nitrogen application rates and compared CTF and non-CTF. In the non-CTF strips, machinery was driven wherever they wanted. On the CTF strips, the fertiliser and slurry spreaders, mower, tedder, rake and forager, all followed a nine-metre working width.
Dr Hargreaves was keen to see the damage caused to the wheelings on the CTF system over the three years. Although there was an increase in soil bulk density and reduced porosity, he says there was ‘limited damage’ and no issues with water run-off from these areas.
“So far, we’ve seen a reduction in yield on those wheelings and the red clover has disappeared entirely, but the perennial ryegrass is still there,” he says.
He believes this is not a huge issue on a three-year red clover ley as the issue could be addressed as part of reseeding. If a farm was doing CTF on a five to six-year perennial ryegrass and red clover ley, some kind of mitigation work would be needed on these wheelings, such as sward lifting. Wheelings would then need to be shifted across in the next season so improvement work was not compromised.
Overall, Dr Hargreaves says focusing traffic in set areas helps minimise overall field damage.
“You are reducing the structural damage to soils so you are potentially maintaining drainage and the quality of the soil. And you know where the damage is on the field so you can deal with it specifically,” he says.
To operate CTF, Dr Hargreaves suggests thinking about the following:
If your smallest working width is nine metres, all equipment needs to work within this. This includes the slurry spreader, tedder and mower, etc. This means machinery will have to work along three-metre-wide tyre tracks in the field.
Divide the width of each field by the working width of your machinery. If a field is 135 metres wide and your smallest working width is nine, split it into 15 lines. If you end up travelling more on certain areas of the field, make a note of it and target soil improvement work in this area.
Dr Hargreaves believes GPS and auto-steering technology is essential to do CTF properly. However, as a minimum he thinks GPS is essential. This will increase accuracy.
“Newer tractors being sold and equipment used by contractors often have GPS. This technology is becoming increasingly common place so it could be a case of just using the technology you’ve already got,” he says.
If technology is not an option, consider using sight posts or positions in the field so machinery is driven in a particular route. All individual tractor drivers will need to pay care and attention.
The distance between the forage harvester and silage trailers will increase with CTF – potentially to
six metres. This means the team will have to work steadily. Also, consider using high-sided trailers and not filling trailers all the way to the top.
With 1st cuts at below average, particularly those cut in the latter half of May, and very slow 2nd cut regrowth, we may be feeling slightly nervy when looking at our silage pits. Grass growth rates according to PastureBase are well back on last year as a result of the drought, so we’ll need some good growth in the months ahead to build up silage stocks. The rain has helped lower soil moisture deficits, but they’re still restricting grass growth.
On intensive grazing farms where growth rates have responded to rain, maintaining a 21 day rotation and keeping residuals of 4 cm is crucial. If paddocks have gone stemmy, pre-mow to get them back on track, alternatively target these for silage. Heavy covers of > 1,500 kg should be cut as surplus bales, and maintain grass growth by keeping N + S applications up-to-date. Slurry should be applied where silage/surplus bales are taken off. Remember to keep ammonia emissions as low as possible by using low emission spreading equipment such as trailing shoe. If slurry is not available, then apply a NPKS quality compound fertiliser such as YaraMila Silage Booster to replace P and high K off-take from taking surplus bales.
For N applications on a 21 day grazing rotation, 1 – 1.2 units N/acre/day is sufficient. Between the release of mineralised N from soil organic matter following the rain, together with residual N from fertiliser applications that hadn’t been used by the grass due to the drought, means there’s quite a large pool of nitrate available in the soil to meet the demands of increased growth rates. So, no benefit in over applying N.
With 1st cuts below par and 2nd cuts delayed, it might be prudent to look for alternative ways to put tonnes of silage in the pit. Buying standing crops of spring barley for wholecrop for instance could be an option. Preliminary DAFM statistics show an increase of 110,000 acres of spring barley in the country this year. Alternatively, drill a forage brassica crop into stubble for grazing in the Autumn and Winter by youngstock.
Knowing how unpredictable our weather is, it’s better to have than be without!
Maize has a high demand for nutrients due to its high yield potential. These high yields of 40+ tonnes/ha can only be achieved if the crop can access enough nutrients via its roots, and as the plant grows, through foliar applications.
Zinc and magnesium deficiencies are the two most widespread nutritional disorders in maize. Zinc is important for photosynthetic activity. Magnesium is essential for the early establishment of the plant. A deficiency is reflected in reduced crop yield at harvest.
Phosphorus and potash are primary nutrients, however many soils have not got the capacity to deliver an adequate supply. Where phosphate availability is reduced because of soil pH or where its uptake is impaired due to dry soil conditions, foliar phosphate will help. It is translocated from the leaf to the roots very effectively, maintaining root development.
One or more of the above is often deficient in the growing maize plant. This nutritional shortage is particularly important as the plant reaches the 4 to 5 leaf stage as it is now that yield is being set. Maize stressed at this point can result in tall, thin plants, with poor root systems and reduced leaf area. Reduced leaf area captures less light, resulting in lower yields.
To overcome the risk of nutrient deficiency apply foliar nutrients at the 4 to 5 leaf stage. YaraVita CROP BOOST is specifically formulated for foliar applications on maize. It will deliver a high concentration of phosphate, zinc, magnesium and potash to maximise maize yield and quality this harvest.
A new reseed can often be the most challenging crop to establish on grassland farms. The main benefits of new swards are improved dry matter (DM) yield, and improved nutrient use efficiency.
Step 1 : Identify poorly performing paddocks.
Step 2 : assess their content of desirable grasses. If this is less than 60% consider re-seeding. Annual meadow grass and other weed grasses produce lower yields, poorer feed quality and do not respond well to applied nutrients. Yield will be reduced by 1 % for every 1 % in weed ground cover.
Step 3: Take a soil test and act on the results. Before you start, be sure to complete this step. On mineral soils the optimum pH for grass is 6.3. Failing to correct pH will severely impact the success of your reseed. Choose only varieties from the DAFM Grass and White Clover Recommended List and pick those that suit your particular farm.
Step 4: Provide new swards with the correct nutrients at sowing. Failure to do so will hinder the success of the ley. Where the soil P & K index is 3, then use 2.5 bags/acre of YaraMila MULTI-CROP (8-10-20 + 2% S) at establishment. New leys have a greater requirement for phosphate to help with root development, and a lower requirement for nitrogen. It is recommended to apply more nitrogen after establishment, but this needs to be assessed carefully as reseeds established in August by ploughing or deep cultivation will release considerable amounts of N from the microbial breakdown of organic matter, called mineralisation. This mineralised N is available for the reseed, providing adequate N for the remainder of the growing season. Where swards have been established through minimal cultivation or direct seeding, these may require a bag/acre of YaraBela AXAN or YaraBela NUTRI-BOOSTER before the 15th of September.
My Top Tips: Weeks 4-6 (post-emergence) apply herbicide to prevent weeds competing for nutrients and space. Graze lightly with youngstock or sheep, as soon as the new plants don’t pull out of the ground, which is usually when grass height is at 6 - 7 cm or at the two leaf stage to promote new shoots, and thus the long term productivity of your new sward.
At this stage, most 1st cut fertiliser applications are completed, but are you confident that your target fertiliser rate was evenly applied? Yara has demonstrated how, over 24 metres, the physical quality of a fertiliser influences the yield and quality of a grass crop.
Yara has looked at this effect by comparing YaraMila Extra Grass (27-2.2-4.2+S) with a blended 27-2.2-4.2+S. The target rate for both products was 500kg/ha and the spreader settings were changed for each product on testing. The YaraMila product achieved the target rate across the whole bout width; however the application rate for the blended product varied between 400 to 648kg/ha.
We then analysed separately each of the 23 trays from the blended product, to determine the actual NPK+S content. Because the YaraMila product is a compound, we know that the product in each tray contained 27% N, 2.2% P and 4.2% K. The blended product had a variation in N across the bout width of between 91kg and 160kg, for P the variation was 10 to 19kg and for the K it was 34 – 59kg/ha. The target was 135kg, 25kg and 25kg for N, P and K respectively. Accounting only for unevenness of the N, in this blend, compared to the YaraMila Extra Grass, there was a yield loss of nearly 400kg/ha of grass dry matter as a result of the poor spreading pattern of the N. This equates to 1.5 tonnes/ha of silage which, based on barley and rapeseed meal, would have a replacement value of €61.
Don’t take the chance, use a quality compound fertiliser
To understand the difference that making good quality grass silage can have on a dairy farm, we can compare the cost of achieving similar levels of milk output by balancing a diet using either a good or poorer quality silage.
My following calculations are based on a 120 cow herd producing 9,000 litre/cow, housed all year round with the forage component split 25% maize and 75% grass silage. A 30 litre cow requires 10.85kg of concentrate to achieve production using poorer silage, where as a cow fed the better silage requires 7.54kg daily. This additional feed saving would translate into £32,000 with a potential additional increase in £13,000 of improved milk yield if cows were fed the better grass silage.
The feed efficiency translated from 0.35kg/litre to 0.24kg/litre between both forages, with a purchased feed cost saving of 3.19ppl using better forage. If we incorporated the forage cost, there would be a 2.43ppl difference between the diets. This difference is less than the purchased feed cost because we are gaining more milk from forage and so must feed more forage per cow.
The first step to making quality silage, is providing the right crop nutrition. If slurry has been applied, the nutrients should be accounted for in this and the balance should be supplied using a quality NPKS compound like YaraMila Silage Booster or if N+S only is required then use a product like YaraBela Nutri Booster.
The role of soil fertility in mitigating Greenhouse Gas emissions has up to now been based on improving nutrient use efficiency. For example, soils at the correct soil pH can utilise soil phosphorus more efficiently. Microbial breakdown (mineralisation) of organic matter into plant available nutrients is at its highest when soils are at their optimum pH. However, new research seems to show that soil phosphorus levels have a direct effect on soil nitrous oxide (N2O) gas emissions on permanent grassland. N2O is a very potent Greenhouse gas, and hence the importance of this research.
It is thought that certain soil microbial populations that are more dominant in low soil phosphorus situations produce more N2O. With increasing soil phosphorus levels these microbes become less dominant resulting in lower N2O emissions. These low nutrient soils are more fungi dominated, and these fungi lack a particular enzyme which predisposes them to producing more N2O. It is very welcome that this research adds another positive dimension to the existing body of knowledge that supports the key role that soil fertility plays in the future sustainability of grass-based production systems.
With the continuing poor soil conditions, very little fertiliser has been applied. So, for those with no fertiliser in the yard, order your fertiliser now. Don’t wait until field conditions are improved to order. Those that wait, may be faced with delayed deliveries if lots of farmers order at the one time.
Daily grass growth rates are still low, so not much nitrogen (N) is required at this stage. Only apply if soil temperatures are at 5OC and above. If soil conditions are too wet or frozen, then delay application until they improve. Early fertiliser applications are appropriate on drier soils with productive PRG swards which respond to early N applications and allow early grazing. Depending on livestock demand, apply up to 30 kg/ha (24 units/acre) of N with sulphur as a 1st application for grazing.
There is scope to apply slurry rather than fertiliser N on paddocks with the lowest grass covers. Avoid slurry on heavier covers until after 1st grazing. Remember that ammonia (N) losses from slurry double for every 5OC rise in air temperature. This is why spring applications are encouraged, to reduce ammonia emissions and increase N use efficiency.
Prioritise slurry for paddocks with a potassium index of 0 or 1 (especially ones that had bales removed last year) and silage fields. Reduce the fertiliser N application rates on paddocks that have received slurry. Allow for 6 units/N per 1,000 gallons with splash plate and 9 units/N with trailing shoe. Don’t apply slurry and N fertiliser at the same time, it’s best to leave at least a week between them.
Target paddocks with a phosphorus (P) index of 0 or 1, with a YaraMila compound, such as Stock Booster S (25-5-5+5%S+Se). These colder and wetter spring conditions reduce P availability and can lower grass growth.
The monthly rainfall data from the Met Office from September to January confirms what we already know: its’ been a very wet autumn and winter. The rainfall for England is 35% above average for the period. However, soil temperatures are running slightly above average which is a help. But what’s the upshot of all this rain? Nitrogen and sulphur are the obvious nutrients that will be affected, but soil phosphorus availability should be considered also.
For a grass sward, 70 - 80% of all root mass down to a depth of 23cm is in the top 7.5cm. Below 23cm root mass drops considerably. In reasonable winters you’d expect that some nitrate and sulphate would remain in this surface root zone, but with over a third more rain having fallen during autumn and winter it’s reasonable to expect that very little nitrate and sulphate remains. This observation in the case of sulphur is supported from data on soil samples received in Yara’s laboratory in Pocklington during December and January.
In saturated fields phosphorus availability will be reduced. These conditions increase the solubility of soil iron and aluminium which in turn affect the availability of soil phosphorus. It’ll be important to get some NPKS fertiliser like YaraMila Super Booster (25-4,2-2,2+2%S+Se) onto grass fields as soon as conditions allow, to kick-start and maintain grass growth this spring. Remember that with the prevailing soil conditions nitrogen on its own won’t be enough. In drier years a 23% growth response is usual with early sulphur and phosphorus, so be sure to use a compound NPKS fertiliser to get your grass off to the best possible start.
Phosphate (P) is a key nutrient for grass. Its role in energy supply, root growth and tillering makes its availability crucial for grass growth in the spring. Although the plant’s requirement for P is small compared to that of nitrogen, its availability is essential.
On grazing farms, a portion of your total annual P requirement should be applied in early spring and have the lion’s share of it applied by the end of April. A fresh P application boosts availability, first in early spring when its natural availability is reduced in wet cold soils, and then in April and May when there is a very high demand for P from peak grass growth.
Typically, the phosphate in fertiliser is 100% water soluble; this however creates its own problems. As soon as you apply water soluble phosphorus to a soil, it becomes slowly fixed by iron and aluminium. The phosphate contained in YaraMila Super Booster (25-2.2-4.2+2% S) is a mix of water soluble phosphate and Di-Calcium Phosphate (DCP). This DCP is not fixed by the soil but becomes available when triggered by the weak acids from grass root exudates. This ideal combination of two phosphate fractions, rather than one, results in superior availability of P for grass.
The maintenance requirement for phosphate (P) on grazed swards is 8 kg/ha, however if your grazing platform is growing 15 t of dry matter with 80% utilisation, then your maintenance will be closer to 13 kg/ha.
Agricultural nitrogen (N) management remains a key environmental challenge and has implications for water quality, greenhouse gas and ammonia gas emissions. More efficient use of N, has a significant effect on a farmer’s bottom line. Where N is not being recovered by the grass or by the cows and turned into saleable products (milk and meat) this is a financial loss to the farming system. Increasing N efficiency by improving utilisation of N by grass will result in lower losses of N to the air and water. If a farmer can get more production (grass, milk or meat) for the same quantity of N input, or get similar production using less N input, it will lead to higher levels of nutrient efficiency. It could also potentially offset the need for expensive additional feeds or to help increase the total milk or liveweight gain from each hectare.
N fertiliser planning should not just consider the seasonal grass feed demands of the herd, but also the potential of the different soils/fields and swards to utilise applied N inputs over the season for grass production. Improvements in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and pasture productivity can be achieved by putting together a nutrient management plan for the year, utilizing manure N sources efficiently, including low emission slurry spreading application methods, using the right N fertiliser type at the right rate and the right time, improving grazing management, reseeding poorly performing swards and optimising soil fertility, especially soil pH