YaraVera AMIPLUS (46% N + NBPT) is a urea fertiliser with inhibitor to decrease nitrogen losses, increasing urea effectiveness.

YaraVera AMIPLUS is a new urea fertiliser with added inhibitor designed to deliver a more efficient use of nitrogen.

The nitrogen in a standard urea fertiliser has to go through two chemical conversions before it is available to crops. This process is known to lead to significant nitrogen losses through volatilisation. Recent trials have placed this loss to be an average of 27% (full range of losses were from 10 to 58%).

YaraVera AMIPLUS contains NBPT, an urease inhibitor, which delays urea degradation and keeps nitrogen in the soil for longer, avoiding the volatilisation losses seen in straight urea products. Trials have shown the inhibitor to reduce these losses to as low as 5%.

It is important to note that to achieve the lowest level of nitrogen losses a nitrate fertiliser is always preferable.
Yara fertiliser bags now contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic.
Advantages of YaraVera AMIPLUS
• For a small premium over urea, YaraVera AMIPLUS will deliver a much improved N-use efficiency, giving you better value for money and performance.
• Better nitrogen use efficiency results in increased yields over straight urea. Trials have shown this to be around 2%.
• By making more of the nitrogen in your fertiliser, you’ll need less of it.
• Reduced nitrogen losses through ammonia volatilization is healthy for our environment.


Where can I buy Yara fertilisers in Ireland?

Where can I buy Yara fertilisers in Ireland?

Yara supply our branded fertilisers and crop nutrition products to the Irish market through a network of local merchants and co-ops  Use our interactive map to locate your nearest suppliers.

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