Fertiliser calculators

A useful collection of calculators to compare the return on investment and margin over fertiliser when using different fertilisers.

Nitrate vs Urea NS vs Straight N Compound vs Blend CN vs CAN Wheat N Response Value of GrassUrea Blended Fertiliser

Nitrate vs Urea fertiliser comparison

What price does a Urea fertiliser need to be to achieve the same margin as a Nitrate based fertiliser?

Nitrate vs Urea calculator

To begin please enter the required values

Nitrate Fertiliser

Urea Fertiliser

Crop Details

Typical yield losses from nitrogen source

Replicated trials carried out independently on behalf of Yara showed an average 5% yield loss from using urea compared to ammonium nitrate when applied at the 225 kg N/ha rate in winter wheat. Read more on the effect of N source on yield

Your results


Best Option

Nitrate Fertiliser

Amount of fertiliser applied

672 kg /ha

Amount of nitrogen applied ?

225 kg N /ha

Cost of fertiliser applied

385 € /ha

Expected crop yield ?

10 t/ha

Yield loss due to N source ?

0 t/ha

Actual crop yield ?

10 t/ha

Crop value ?

2000 €/ha

Margin over fertiliser ?

1615 €/ha

Best Option

Urea Fertiliser

Amount of fertiliser applied

489 kg /ha

Amount of nitrogen applied ?

225 kg N /ha

Cost of fertiliser applied

296 € /ha

Expected crop yield ?

10 t/ha

Yield loss due to N source ?

0.5 t/ha

Actual crop yield ?

9.5 t/ha

Crop value ?

1900 €/ha

Margin over fertiliser ?

1604 €/ha

To achieve the same margin as the Nitrate fertiliser the price of Urea fertiliser would need to be

820 €/t
results empty

Please enter the required values

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