Sugar beet nutrient requirements

Sugar beet nutrient requirements vary depending on the crop growth stage. Find out which nutrients are most important at different growth stages.

Roles of nutrients at different growth stages


  • Nitrogen for early rapid leaf expansion and growth.
  • Phosphate to supply the energy for early growth and development, especially root mass.
  • Manganese for its role in the structure of photosynthetic proteins and enzymes.
  • Zinc for enzyme reactions, early growth and vigour.


Canopy development

  • Nitrogen for leaf development and size.
  • Potassium for its role in canopy structure and nutrient movement around the plant.
  • Manganese for its role in the structure of photosynthetic proteins and enzymes.
  • Magnesium for its role in chlorophyll.


Canopy duration

  • Nitrogen for large leaves and their duration.
  • Phosphate to supply the energy for growth and development.
  • Potassium for plant water regulation and structural integrity.
  • Sulphur for yield and quality improvements.
  • Manganese for its role in the structure of photosynthetic proteins and enzymes.
  • Magnesium for its role in chorophyll quality.
  • Boron for its role in root development.
Sugar beet agronomy and fertiliser advice
Sugar beet agronomy and fertiliser advice

Looking for even more information ...

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